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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. Came across a pretty good deal on an akropovic dp on NAM that I couldn't pass up. Arrived today and I installed in my driveway. Installation was a surprisingly easy, despite these gargantuan hands and only having rhino ramps. How do I like it? I'll put it this way...whatever buyer's remorse I may have had about dropping money on a car I didn't really drive anymore...was IMMEDIATELY wiped away the second I gave her a slight rev in the driveway. All smiles here, the flame has been rekindled between my mini and I.
  2. To the lady this morning in a blue cooper s that desperately tried to keep up with me on my liter bike (of all things to try to keep up with...) lol, why would you even do that to your mini? thanks for the excuse to open it up though...and for making my usually boring commute, a bit more interesting!
  3. is the ecu flash required with a walnut blast? I spoke to Eric at Helix and he quoted me $350 for a walnut blast which is the best rate I've found so far so I plan on making the trip to southern philly next month. (He's received rave reviews on NAM; everyone says is well worth the trip). But now I wonder, if this ecu flash is required...does his price includes that? I'm waiting for his response... EDIT: Response from Eric: "You don't need to mess with the ECU, you're just putting the car back to the way it ran when new. People may have been talking about resetting the adaptations, which we can do for no extra charge."
  4. hey alex, congrats on the new mini, I'm in GBurg quite often because that's the closest mtn bike trail system (I'm in Rockville). I'll just wave at every black mini I see in Gburg and hope that its you. You can't miss me. I'm the silver one with gold wheels on the right side. and black wheels on the left side. (I ran out of spray paint).
  5. Think I might've seen Bert on our way to White's Ferry (ultimately heading to Leesburg Outlets) yesterday. You were coming down White's Ferry road, leaving Poolesville? A little after noonish. It was a green with white stripes... ha, and then, no kidding, as we were heading back to the car, ready to leave the outlets, I spot a one of a kind mini parked just behind us. I thought, this mini can only belong to Mr vice president himself! and sure enough, there Chris is, just getting out of the car. haha good to meet you dude.
  6. I got a quote for just the labor...I had planned on supplying my own stripes. $350 was the labor only price. I was assuming a 2-3 hour job...but for 20 minutes? Ouch. I mentioned I was a DCMM member and was referred to them and everything. I told myself I'd consider it for ~$175 (about 2 hours worth of labor). I really don't think calling will drop that quote low enough to be remotely reasonable for me. I've put stripes on before, it's a p.i.t.a....but not $350 worth of p.i.t.a. (Chris...the a stands for ankles.) Apologies to those of you who support this vendor, I've seen how some can get if you seemingly trash a particular vendor. I'm not trying to dog them...just saying I'll look elsewhere.
  7. ooof. $475 for stripes and install. my mini will remain stripeless for a bit longer lol
  8. was heading home from work yesterday and followed this green justa weaving in and out of traffic, apparently trying to get ahead but not really (you know how it is with traffic, it's like grocery lines...you pick a lane and just stick to it). That's how I was able to follow him, because I stuck to a lane and just watched him cut and weave across literally all 4 lanes but still end up in the same spot relative to our group in traffic lolol. So if you're on here, sir, you could've at least returned my wave as I passed you! trololololol
  9. emailed dave requesting a quote. I'm wanting to do orange rally stripes again...but this time, offset to the passenger side. because I'm a hipster. and I need to be different. jk not a hipster. but yes, trying to be different.
  10. Yes, me too, I feel like my mini is not a mini without some stripes lol YES, wow, right around the corner from work, thanks for the heads up! :top:
  11. Just got back from PTuning. My review: Pros: - Really cool, yet very professional staff. Kept me informed at every stage of the install! - Great array of customer amenities...I don't think I've ever been happy to wait for my car...until today. xbox? movies? free wifi? heck. yes. - Very competitive prices...my local garage quoted me twice what I paid. with twice the wait time. Cons: - Located too far from me. Not fair. :laugh: Anyway, Mike, if you see this, I really wanted to thank you and shake your hand in person for all the help you've been along the way...unfortunately I handed the guy my keys and fell right asleep on that couch lol...I had just come off an 18-hr shift...I couldn't keep my eyelids open any longer lol! But seriously, thanks to you and everyone there.
  12. yup, I'll admit I'm still slightly concerned the set up won't work, and that it's just been a fluke those where it has...but obviously that's not enough of a deterrant for me. I'm stubborn! and that's what everyone says about the FSDs! I'm looking forward to testing them out! I bumped my appt from lunch to first thing Fri morning so...I'm THAT much closer to have them on lolol. I want to say the FSDs ended up being slightly more expensive than 4 yellows...I think by about 80 bucks. This is off of Way's site though...you may be able to find them cheaper elsewhere. I just buy everything off of his site; ridiculously fast shipping!
  13. haha, thanks for the concern guys. :top: They're FSDs (it's on the box haha), I was actually aware of this limitation (Way includes it in the product description on his website), and was planning on running stock springs up until about a week ago. But while looking for an aftermarket oem length spring...folks on NAM pointed me towards the eibachs; apparently this set up is the only one that has lasted for others. Something about how it's the spring rate and not the actual length of the spring itself that is the limiting factor...and eibach springs are nearly identical to oem spring rates...and ultimately what enables this combo to work. Anyway, after a good amount of research, I feel comfortable running this set up. Others have had success...and that's all I need to hear. I know it's a still a gamble...oh well, my money to waste right? Thanks gents.
  14. no clue. I threw two darts at the computer screen and ordered whatever they hit. YOLO
  15. Everything's finally in... made an appointment with PTuning for this Friday. Mike has been awesome with responding to inquiries :top: Rich- really appreciate the offer to help, but PTuning is right around the corner from work. Just don't know when I'd have a free second to make it to Eldersburg! but again, thank you!! On a semi-related note, I recently threw on a strut bar and thicker rsb (22mm) (along with WMW's adjustable sway bar links). Good lord, why didn't I do this sooner? I've always read about the difference in handling that'd be felt but I never thought it would be this dramatic. Even during regular city driving I can feel the difference. and it's a BIG difference. Anyway, I'm preaching to the choir here lol, I know I'm late to the game! I'm really looking forward to what this Friday's suspension upgrade will do!
  16. SWEET! DOH!
  17. that looks awesome!! that's it, I'm ordering that bar.
  18. Saw Warren today at the Wintergreen starbucks (again, I didn't have my mini with me so he was confused how I might've known him lol) But as promised, the next time I ran into him I said I'd introduce myself, and I did...and the conversation wasn't awkward at all. Which was surprising because I'm incredibly socially awkward. But a really nice dude...lol, he did however have a funny look when I said his name without him giving it to me lmao. Celia- he asked where/how you were...I guess he didn't know you were at the new location. :top:
  19. Last off topic post in this thread...just bringing a prior comment to Bert about garages full circle. Bert, this is why I wish I had a garage lolol: Anyway, story behind the pics is I decided to grow a pair and install the RSB myself. Hard part is done: old bar out, new bar in. Just need to button everything up later today, heading to sears for an automatic socket wrench lol...this manual wrench turning is for the birds! Looking forward to playing in my 'fort' today! lolol
  20. awesome Bert! I'm jealous of your garage. I'm jealous of any garage. Because I don't have one It's been cold as heck working on the bike outside lately lolol Any pics of Ernie's new shoes??
  21. Rich, stuff arrived...ready for the install. PM sent!
  22. it looks awesome! I'm a fan. Do you have a cooper crap lift on there? haha, there it is!! sure thing dude, wasn't dogging the pic at all, it's a great shot. I just have OCD and needed to see a mini filling that gap! lol
  23. Aww man, all you needed was just one more mini and this shot would've been PERFECT! lolol btw, I'm loving that beastly looking red one in all the pics. Looks like a baja pre-runner in the making!
  24. but...will they accept $20 bucks, a dozen donuts, and a coca cola as payment for services? :laugh:
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