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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. dang it! you're right, it definitely says that in the description, now I get why there wasn't an option for the half year membership fee. DOH! haha, well now you all know something new about me, I can't read! no wonder I can't move up through the ranks...lolol thanks Edge
  2. I know this isn't the right place to put this, and I know there's already an existing thread for these sorts of things...only 2 more weeks until I'll be a a full member with permissions to post there! I know I know...why not just join now? Because I didn't feel like paying the membership fee for a couple weeks, only to turn around and pay membership fees again for the new year...sorry, poor, low ranking enlisted guy here! Anyway, word on the streets is...there's quite an avid winter sports crowd here...which is totally awesome! I'm planning to head up to Ski Liberty this Tuesday night (17 Dec) for a night session, and then again on Saturday (21 Dec) for an early morning, half day session. If anyone is interested in joining, I'd love the company. We can caravan up there or, if you don't feel like driving, I've got a snowboard rack..and I can easily re-install the passenger seat to accomodate. If more are interested, I'd happily volunteer to just take the SUV and drive everyone up there. Everyone can just park at my house...it's a single family community so no worries about parking or towing or anything. Actually, if anyone wants to hitch a ride, I'll probably just take the SUV lol...I'm a little on the heavy side and don't want someone to have to be that close to me in the mini lolol it'd be a tad bit cramped. For Tuesday, the plan is to leave my house by 3pm at the latest because traffic gets REAL bad heading north. For Saturday, the plan is to leave my house by 630am to get first dibs on the freshly groomed runs. Anyway, just thought I'd put this out there in case there's any interest. Kitchen/Baby passes from the wife are few and far between so I try to make the most out of it and would love to use this rare occasion to meet some local mini owners. BTW...off topic. I got my first wave from another mini driver the other day. HOT DAMN!
  3. +1 on the USAA roadside service but geesus...spark plugs popping? I didn't even know that was a thing. sorry dbeest, hope everything turns out alright. Would you mind snapping a pic of that popped spark plug for comparison purposes? Also, now that I'm paranoid...this will be useful: How to Change Spark Plugs:
  4. Yeah Chris..cah'maahhnnnnnn....lolol and thanks RDGRCR/TGRRR, I wanted to like them, if only they it was a darker orange, say...texas longhorn orange, I would've been fine. But if you saw it in person, it was more that bright construction safety orange color lol!
  5. haha, cah'maahhnnnn In the mean time, I'm gunning for bobesser's set of kazera's he's got up in the classifieds section. The next couple of days/weeks will be spent trying to knock out as many items on the 'honey-do' list so my owner, I mean wife, will give me permission to buy them with my money. But we'll see, I cashed in my most recent stockpile of brownie points for permission to go on last weekend's snowboard trip... Congrats to any body that snags it before me but at the same time, damn you! lol
  6. Couldn't take it anymore...orange stripes were a little too 'loud' for my taste so they had to go. I was originally debating what color stripes to get instead...but I think I like the no stripe look as well...we'll see. I also want to get rid of the gold rims I have (anybody interested in a straight trade?) to complete the silver/black only look... Also, this was taken after a morning session at liberty this past Saturday. There weren't many folks at all, but I saw at least 7 minis...anybody from here? It was great conditions despite the rain the previous night. And completely empty compared to the usual weekend crowd!
  7. :wavey::highfive::hello::bike: sorry just trying some of these emoticons out...every forum seems to have different ones lol. What's up with that bike one rolling over the dude's face? that's not very nice...what is that supposed to say even? anyway, congrats on the new mini! the cr-z was something I test drove too...boy I felt cramped in there. It's amazing how much more roomier the mini is than all of the other 'small' cars I tried out.
  8. grats! the white rims look awesome, and the british racing green is my favorite color for this car, wish I could've found one in that.
  9. duuude I am totally digging the roof rack/rally lights on the bottom combination, looks awesome! I've never ridden fountain head but everyone says that's the spot in VA. I usually hang around here with Schaeffer Farm being only a couple minutes away. Come spring time, you'll have to let me know when you're heading out to fountain head though, I'd absolutely be down for a ride. and no worries, I'm definitely not a pro lol, if I make it a ride without endo'ing, it's a good day. plus with that xc specialized, you'll be tough to keep up with lol. my rig is almost 45 lbs!
  10. thanks dude! haha holy hell I can imagine. You're a bigger man than me, I wouldn't have lasted 11 mins lol, I would've pitted so fast...and stuck my hands in the engine block. mmmm so warm oh what's that? Burning flesh? who cares...mmmm soo warm and toasttyyy. that sounds awesome though, haha, you should've just ditched the open air kart and driven the mini on...pretty much the same thing
  11. haha right on! sick ride...I like the green a lot...it looks the Monster Energy Mini! So I tried to do a little trail riding this morning after work. It was about 7am. 20 degrees. Added windchill from moving on the bike probably dropped that even further. Yeeaahhh I turned around within a mile...when my fingers were so cold it hurt to squeeze the brake lever. Although thicker gloves would've remedied that....but not sure what I could've done for my frozen lungs...haha FYI, if there's other folks here that enjoy hitting the singletrack, I'm always down for a ride if you're looking for someone to ride with. :top:
  12. awesome, thanks dude
  13. hey minierik, if you don't mind me asking, how much did powdercoating your wheels run you? and where'd you get it done? and please put up pics when you've got everything mounted!
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