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Everything posted by Cambo

  1. lolol! actually I just took the driving lights out so now I'm down to 3 different shapes. There's a rectangular recess in the truck's bumper perfect for this light bar, it's where everybody mounts them...I was just so curious how it would look mounted to the hood of the mini haha.
  2. Can't imagine why anyone would want these in their current condition but just in case, I figured I'd throw it out there before I chuck 'em. They worked just fine...when they were hooked up...but as you can see, I pretty much ripped them out of their brackets. One of the tabs (pictured) is useless. It was cold out and I wanted to get back inside to my snuggie and Big Bang Theory. I'll hold onto them for a week then into the bin it goes
  3. Edit: I don't usually care about how ugly a mod is...but this is just ugly lol. Now I have oval headlights, square fog lights, circular driving lights and now...a random rectangular light on my hood. I just need something triangular and I'll be a geometry lesson on wheels sigh...oh well, too late to turn back now. If anybody ever needs someone to light up a field for some late night ultimate frisbee...hit me up
  4. hey sorry Ohbe1, I missed your question Yes, flood and yes, wired independent of high or low beam. Adding to this thread, I came across a 10" Rigid Ind LED light bar on ebay that I meant for the F150 but it's so new I really didn't feel like cutting into her yet. So I thought, what the heck, I'll find a place for it on the mini lol. Spent this morning in the teen degree temps to get started on the install. Now I'm taking a break because I can't feel my toes. But I'm basically done, just need to button everything down and connect the battery back up but you can see how it'll look. Random knowledge, the hood is incredibly easy to drill through. haha, and if you're going to ask "why?"...the answer is, I have no idea, why not
  5. If I had a nickle for every time I had a 'slow moment'...I'd be in a tricked out JCW!
  6. haha, whoops, whatever it's called
  7. lol, Rich, are you still around? I may need your help. Like the OP, I've got replacement shocks on the way as well as an RSB and I'm looking for some help. Doughnuts, Coca Cola and 20 bucks? Shoot, how does doughnuts, pizza, coca cola, and $40 bucks sound? That's right, I just doubled your pay! Big baller status over here! lolol jk...no but seriously...I hope you're still around. And I'm not only giving you $40 bucks, that's highway robbery. If not, I'm going to check out the Biblo Baggins place that was recommended. I'm all for supporting the small shops and I get a warm fuzzy about them from their website. For...uhh...hoots and hollers (is that alright Chris? ) I'll run by passport of gaithersburg to see what they'd charge. I'm almost certain it'll be at least double what Bilbo charges, but we'll see. FYI, passport gaithersburg has a great hill across the street for any of you longboarders out there. Another FYI, they don't let you ride a longboard in the show room. The service bay is ok though. lolol
  8. thanks Chris/George...that's what I thought, just my caveman brain getting the best of me lol George...PM coming your way
  9. this is probably a dumb question but when I see a 4x100 bolt pattern with a 40 offset, I think "oh yeah...that'll fit my '09" but then you threw that line in there "Will fit Gen 1 MINIs up through July 2006 build dates." and now I'm all confused! haha so does that mean it won't fit my '09?
  10. This? looks the same to me. even has the same part number stamped on the back. Just need to keep your center cap. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MINI-COOPER-CLUBMAN-17-2007-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013-OEM-RIM-WHEEL-71264-/121238336974?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Wheels&hash=item1c3a5e35ce&vxp=mtr
  11. where have you been all my life is this...the start...of a bromance?
  12. perfect! It's a 07 Vstar 1100. I'm upgrading to a pod air kit and it'll come with the jet kit. Shoot, I'll order it tonight then and PM you when it's here to set something up.
  13. awesome, appreciate the response, I think I'll be contacting you shortly about that rsb. hey...you don't know how to rejet a motorcycle's carbs do you?
  14. Correction...I'm into taking apart my mini for shits and grins and curiosity. I don't think anyone would consider anything I've done to my mini a 'mod' in the traditional sense of the word lol But OP, I saw this thread earlier tonight and was thinking about PMing you. I'm on the fence about a suspension upgrade (coilover and rear sway bar install) and you said you installed a rear sway bar in a parking lot...I'm sure you'd be able to help me in my driveway lol. However...operative phrase being "I'm on the fence". Not sure if I want to dump any money in this thing...I have to keep reminding myself that this is my commuter car only. I really need to stay off NAM... But good to know you're an option!! I'm all for paying forum members over the local garage
  15. hahah, this was light on the swearing too. I have to be sure the boys are inside the house and out of ear shot when I'm working on the motorcycles!
  16. Best 10 bucks I've ever spent. Fortuitously caught wind of it while perusing NAM. Less clutch travel = faster shifting! If you have 5 minutes to kill:
  17. bummer...sorry to hear about that wahoo. I'd try to find a replacement on ebay if that warranty doesn't come through.
  18. I'd skip the ikea trip and find a nice, unsalted patch of parking lot or something to play around in. Roads/hwys are hella salted. My silver truck...is now poo brown. :top:
  19. I sidelined the mini and took the 4x4 into work tonight...but saw a surprising amount of minis on the road. My hats off to you all...you have bigger cajones than I.
  20. true that! I totally forgot about the marketplace here...good call!
  21. lolol...yeah I gotcha...I was thinking about putting it up on ebay but it's so heavy, would be a PITA to ship. I'll probably just keep it around because who knows...maybe one of these days, after i've done bled out all there is to bleed out of my ears...I'll switch back to the invidia!
  22. lol, yeah, it pretty much drones at any rpm level above 2000. I love it though...and minierik was right, it's 'breaking in' and the sound keeps on getting better (IMO). hahaha, one of these days I'll make a meet up...and the first thing you'll realize when you see my mini is that I have the zeroest concern for 'resale value'! Yes, I just said 'zeroest' lolol. I'm too far gone man, this one's a keeper!! thanks for watching the vid!
  23. haha, saw three minis on my way into work today. no wave backs either. Was next to a dude with the license plate "pug snot". We were sitting in traffic, practically next to each other, I waved continuously for about 20 seconds before my biceps got tired and I gave up.
  24. eyyy yup! I was heading into work! And no...I wasn't picking my nose...I was...uh...trying to find...that thing... btw, I was at flagship yesterday and there was a sick Elise. It was a matte grey color..and had different front and rear rims. and the driver was all tatted up. Not sure if you know him...I imagine the local lotus community can't be that big.
  25. I have a set of amber covers that I use for the fog/snow. The pure white that you saw in the video would be useless in those conditions.
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