Unfortunately I am pretty busy this weekend, but I will be at the board meeting on Sunday to discuss the parade event. I can bring the cracker supplies with me if you were planning on attending.
I did some more thinking on the concept for the parade of how to tie all these cars together. I was thinking an exploded xmas cracker. The common components in a cracker are candy, a joke, a trinket (toy), and a crown. So I was thinking a front and rear MINI each with half a cracker like it had been broken open. The other MINIs between I was thinking two with a joke theme, two with a candy theme, two toy theme, and two crown themed. That would be 10 vehicles.
Since Sherri has a Crown Tattoo I feel you are an expert and get to be a crown themed car.
If those identified as drivers please claim a theme, by posting on here. First come first served.
Cracker front: Corey
Candy x2: Melissa & unstable
Jokes x2: Ali & edge
Trinkits (toys) x2: mbiedzinski & Ray
Crown x2: Sherri
Cracker rear: Brandy
I have been asked to present everything to the board on Sunday for the final thumbs up. Please get your ideas or concerns posted by Saturday afternoon so I can be sure they are included.