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Everything posted by 1975_mini

  1. Any updates for DCMMer on the run? Those of us stuck in our cubicals want to live vicariously through you.
  2. Just saw cricket in the service bay at PMoA when we were dropping off ebony
  3. That's one way to pay for that escort
  4. It has light texture. If you are looking to go smooth, there are broader nozzle they sell. Also laying it heavier and faster creates a smooth effect. I went light texture do to it being a large horizontal surface. So it hides the dust and other issue doing it out in the open cause
  5. Phase 1 complete:top: 4 cans of PD, now some planing and testing for phase 2. If you dream it you can PD it. Hopefully it will be ready to unveil at the annual pininic.
  6. I have been debating a white roof on Watson and decided to pull the trigger this afternoon. Before Lets get started Coat 1 Coat 2 and end of Can 1 End of Can 2 (photo smooths it out still a bit blotchy) Out of PD and day light. Lesson learned white takes more to cover. Looks like a morning run the pick up another can, and finih the job.
  7. I think it's a great idea
  8. I will keep an eye out on my next trip through the junk yard
  9. passed a countryman (blue w/ white stripes) vanity plates "quantco". They live in q-town, but first time i passed her on the road. She gave a full windshield wave, so I returned it with a hand out both windows wave back.:hello2:
  10. Kids plans changed, so we have to do the parent thing tomorrow. Sorry to bow out last minute, we were really looking forward to this one.
  11. Welcome back, and look forward to seeing you around
  12. Thank you everyone for coming out yesterday, it was great to see old faces and a few new ones. Special thanks to Craig and Lona for allowing us to use the garagemahal and demonstrating your mastery of the smoker. All the tint looked great, and for those that did get tint done keep those windows up. Also give us a review of your tint in a week or two. Feel free to give Wardyl a review on his webpage mentioned above. Again thank you everyone for making this event a success.
  13. We are all confirmed and ready to go. Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow
  14. James (Burgrave of Fells Point) or anyone that has contact with him in other ways please contact me to confirm your spot.
  15. Two quick things: Some may have seen Catalina's post of Carlos passing, which I am sorry to hear. To prevent any confusion we had scheduled through a different mobile tint company for this event and the event is still on. Also James (Burgrave of Fells Point) can you please confirm your spot for the event either by responding to the PM I sent or on here. I would like to finalize everything today. So I can provide confirmed final numbers to the tint company, thanks.
  16. He I first on the waiting list, and if he is coming for the coding. And if the tinting goes a little quicker they might be able to scueeze him in. Craig's likely not going to take the full alotted time
  17. The import call that Tyler and I were both in was won by a straight factory 2013 Fiat 500 abath. The owner work for the office putting on the event, so he scored the fiend vote. Still any day I am at a car show instead of work is a good day
  18. It was a great show with a nice car turn out. Thanks Tyler for bringing the lotus, it was no Fiat 500 abath, but still nice to see.
  19. Sweet mike, that sounds great. Anyone just stopping by feel free to use the RSVP feature on the event. I have the people filling the tint slots capture in the event info
  20. Just filled the 0800 spot, so we have a full plate. :top: Looking forward to an awesome day.
  21. I got it, just messing with Ali. I will play mice.:top: I always forget sarcasim does not come across well in the forum.
  22. 13s just haven't developed a taste for oil yet, they're still babes. Give them a year or so. Really it's pretty simple Turbos like oil.
  23. WOW, and the award for most confusing answer to a simple question goes the Ali. :rofl: Yes you can use your GPS to get between places. At least I don't see a rule against it.
  24. 2009 cooper s clubman, goes through about a quart every two to three months depending on how had we are driving.
  25. Cool, he is good is traffic and around town. It is extended highway driving, the water pump is driven of crank, so fast you go faster it spins. To qoute 80s rock, "I can't drive 55" I will talk to brandy and make it a solid yay or nay. SO there's a bonus for driving a classic mini, right:top:
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