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NYRican MC40

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Everything posted by NYRican MC40

  1. Confirming Pasta salad and Jessie will be there with the other two kids around three to help with set up
  2. Will be with Gianna on the run
  3. See you guys at twelve. We might have my buddy join us (non MINI) he can sweep
  4. We might be there at ten and then make our way to you guys.I have your numbers just in case
  5. NYRican MC40


    @Brandy_Brown they came out awesome!!
  6. I will be joining you guys and probably with the crew in tow
  7. Hello all, change of plans. Jessie had to go to PR and I won't be able to make the run tomorrow. don't see how I can change the rsvp to declined. Hope you guys have a blast it was a really fun run last year I'm gonna miss it
  8. @BendersMINI bring the meatballs, I will bring potato salad. and the girls will be me. no reinaldo or jessie
  9. Will bring Some protein, probably pulled pork or meatballs and dinner rolls.
  10. A buddy of mine might join us for the run (non MINI) he knows he goes on the tail end
  11. Jessie and the kids will be with me, Undecided on what we will bring, probably potato salad
  12. Probably wont make the run in order to set up at Carl's house
  13. You are bring out the new ride, right??
  14. Corey, sorry for the late update. Won't be able to make tomorrow. Have a great run
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