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Everything posted by ErinKC

  1. Yay yay yay, MOTD is on the way!! Ordered
  2. I was just there this past weekend. They are great!
  3. I know , we are trying to get my hubs some new tires but on the cheap for his nissan truck. He was just trying to cut some corners. He is freaking out a bit on costs with our transfer and all.
  4. Ooo, I totally forgot about the auto hobby shops. Good call!
  5. Hi guys, does anyone have the gear to mount and balance tires? Garage Mahal???
  6. I'm going to try this again with the covers on. If I take it to MINI I can get it for free. I just wish they had known that because I had the covers in the boot.
  7. Hmm, well looks like the free inspection at PMoA isn't going to happen. I'll just put the covers on them and take them to the gas station.
  8. Really? So if I just put the solid covers on them they will pass?
  9. So, Tycoon failed her VA state inspection today. I wanted to get her inspection done for two reasons. She is due come March 1 for a safety and I thought, well, lets do it before I put her new exhaust on come Saturday (second reason) even though I don't need emissions. I didn't even think about the rally lights being a problem. Turns out in VA that if you have extra lights on your car they can only be wired in to the high beams and nothing else. Passport MINI service dept. caught it. :banghead:
  10. Just tagged what looks like a brand new cabrio purchased at Sterling MINI. VA Tag "Ogie &Me". Parked right in front of my house!!
  11. WooHoo!!
  12. Yeah, tell me about it. They will fix the damage cause by said foundation problem, but not the foundation. It makes no sense. But, now I'll just be putting all extras towards MOTD and MTTS that would have gone to local play time and mods. At least I had already bought the exhaust...don't tell Jake.
  13. You know my fat girl has room! And since Jake refuses to ride with me :stupid:, I'll always be looking for a navigator.
  14. So, I might have to cancel saying I can go. It's looking like our insurance isn't going to cover the leak in our foundation. So, all our money is going to be going to the 6,000 dollar bill that will be to fix it. Sorry guys.
  15. Perfect!!! Thanks Quitta!
  16. Well, this isn't exactly for a room but for a ride. My hubs, Jake, can't take off the whole week. Is there anyone leaving on Wed. the 30th driving down that he could catch a ride with?
  17. Fury might wait until end of March beginning of April. Due to New Years resolutions "Positive, sugar and honey Erin" might make an appearance for a month or two. But I will get in. One way or another, most likely on "Scarey, I will shoot you in your sleep, I'm crazy calm but fury Erin".
  18. WooHoo! Love it!
  19. Yep, I think it is. But I figured you wouldn't be up for taking Smokie down Parsons....... But I am going to be doing a pre run earlier in the week if you would like to tag along!
  20. So for all you Countrymen, Pacemen, Clubbies, and MINIs in general that want to get a bit dirty at MOTD. Quitta, just look away right now. It looks like I'm leading a run out to Parsons Branch and Cades Cove loop. :motor: Just got the go ahead from Barry and it is up on the schedule. I had asked Jill Raymer to lead it (the beast JCW with the brush guards) but she will be leaving early to attend her son's college graduation. So it looks like I'm in. We will be leaving directly after the Panoramic Photo and be back in time to see the end of the car show. So, if you want to go, make sure and sign up on Jan. 11th!!! Of course the disclaimer is this is all dependent on weather. If the crossings are high like they were last year we will have to cancel. But I'm going to remain optimistic. Can't wait for MOTD!!!
  21. Craig and Lona, Thank you so much for hosting. It was a wonderful evening!!
  22. I walked away with 83 smackers. And that was only because I showed some discipline and didn't buy the moonshiners tee (which I'm regretting) and the second badge. I'm loving them all (except the event tees themselves) They look kind of weird.
  23. This is my evil plan.....MWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA.:evil:
  24. Yeah, the lady I had talked to the last couple of times (who told me I was 2nd on the list) said that she didn't see a problem with us getting in because they usually have people cancel and that I was so high up on the list. Now, the director of ops guy, says "I don't know who told you that because this is a very popular event..." blah blah blah. Well, he is going to know my name, because I'm going to be emailing him every single week to ask if the line has started moving.
  25. Well, I asked what number typically they clear to on the waiting list. He said between 20-40. So, fingers crossed, fingers crossed.
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