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Everything posted by ErinKC

  1. What do you think Ali? Should we just do a custom ink?
  2. Out of all the parking spots in all the Pentagon, look who I got to park next to on my last day in the building!!
  3. Ok, guys. Last chance. Today COB if we don't have enough I'm just going to scratch the idea.
  4. :congrats:she should have known that as a veteran she is supposed to set an example.
  5. LXM is the League of Extraordinary MINIacs And no, I have never crossed the yellow line on the Dragon, which is the first rule of the Dragon. And it's jumping down people's throats for doing stuff like this that keeps others from getting killed on that road. MOTD is adamant about not crossing the yellow line and staying on your side and encourages people to call out reckless drivers.
  6. She is even making jokes about it on the LXM thread. About how it was "Blaze" that was a bad boy etc. I just don't think it's funny, and I'm surprised more people haven't called her out in the feed.
  7. Geeze, I get all paranoid and feel horrible when I think I've touched the yellow line. It's just inexcusable. A biker died on the Dragon last week. Imagine the feeling if it had been you that caused him to run off the cliff because you were driving like this. Not me, I don't want to be the one.
  8. Yeah, I couldn't believe it when she posted it to LXM this morning. I don't think this is something I would be bragging about. The cutting of the mustard is bad enough but the u-turn in the middle of that curve...
  9. Bump, Who wants TEESHIRTS!!!!:itsme:
  10. Saw an F56 Volcano in the wild yesterday on 295!! With a plate that said something like MNIBEE. I slowed down to try and get a wave next to her or give her a thumbs up, but she was in her own world. I guess looking for the speed cameras.
  11. So I'm thinking that we will offer a tank option for both men and women, a regular tee, a ladies v neck tee, and a sweat shirt option for those chilly desert nights. We will need to know pretty fast, as in ONE WEEK FROM NOW, if you are interested so we can design and get an order set up. So let me know as soon as possible everyone!
  12. Hello All, Trying to gauge interest on if there would be enough people who wanted a MINI Takes the States 2014 Tee Shirt. Start posting if you think you would want one. Minimum order is 24 so lets see if we can get it.
  13. I got a wave! All be it a confused one from what looks like a new CR Paceman with white stripes at Potomac Yard today. I thought it was a Countryman from the front but when I passed and looked in my rear view I thought....oh man...I think that is a Paceman booty!
  14. I saw our laguna green cabio members cruising through old town yesterday with the top down! You didn't see me, I was sitting at the light. :top:
  15. I'm camping the whole way across and the two weeks on MTTS. I'm planning on leaving Cape May July 20th picking up Sun (Bitchin MINI) in Va and making our way on a Northern Route looking for Weird Americana on the way to San Fran. There may or may not be a detour to Vegas for a night If any one wants to know what campsites I have and wants to tag along feel free to join the caravan!
  16. Aww man. Would have loved to have you there! Countrymen UNITE. :motor:
  17. Come on!! Come on!! I want my sweat shirt!!
  18. It is so wrong, but I'm scheduling the closing of my house around the Dragon..... They want me to close on the 30th, I said no, you have to figure out a way to do it the week earlier...... Yes....
  19. I'll take that bet. You think you are soooo funny. Troll.
  20. Oh yeah, you really think you will have Latrice by then buddy, or are you going to be using this......
  21. Deng it, why am I always traveling during spring fling......I want to DRIVE:motor:
  22. Oh no! You should post! I don't think I'll get anything really. I just have a feeling. But we had fun no matter what.
  23. When you have a car we will invite you....... Trollllllllooooloolllllllolllllollll. Paybacks are a biatch my friend.
  24. That was SO MUCH FUN!! Hahaha. TIGGER, Wider Tigger WIDER!!!
  25. Here is my shoot from the Capital last night with Ali's Tigger providing the trail lights and Chris helping out with some flashes. Took it to try and win a Group4 ECU Tune on the Countryman Owner's Lounge Facebook page. Fingers crossed!
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