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Everything posted by LostDenverite

  1. Thanks for the pics. My times were miserable (how many times can I re-take the class? :laugh:) but the photo's look great :top:
  2. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: P.S. - I also have bungee cords in the boot (as the provided cargo net isn't the best), but they too can go down under if necessary, although they keep that lid down as they stretch immediately above.
  3. I don't have two tons of stuff, in fact all I can think of offhand is a compact umbrella and rain jacket that I keep behind the seat (oh yeah, and the bottles of water that won't stay in the passenger cup holders :banghead:). I figured those few things could go in the extra space under the floor where I already keep my bring-your-own grocery bags and a first-aid kit (picture for those that don't know about our expanded boot) And stop talking about it raining on Saturday. NO RAIN! I've an event right after X-cross school and don't want a wash-out.
  4. Who's driving a MINI and is not relaxed :laugh::laugh::laugh: On the "clean out any unnecessary items" we can just put the loot in the boot, can't we?
  5. For those that might want to come and watch here is the "schedule & tips" email they sent last week: Schedule for the day: 9:00AM: Student check in 9:15AM: Instructor introduction/Brief classroom instruction 9:30AM: Tech inspection basics 10:00AM: Morning driving session 12:00PM: Lunch 12:45PM: Brief classroom instruction 1:00PM: Drivers meeting 1:15PM: Guided coursewalk 1:30PM: Instructor rides 1:45PM: Grid/Work assignments 2:00PM: Full course driving session 4:00PM: Students work course/Instructors drive 4:30PM: Clean-up A few helpful tips: Before leaving home, please clean out any unnecessary items from your vehicle. This includes empty beer cans under your seat and the fuzzy pink dice on your rearview mirror. It is suggested that you air your vehicles tires to 4 psi above recommended pressure in the drivers doorjamb. Most cars benefit from this additional pressure and it is much easier to remove air instead of adding air. Wear clothes fitting to the weather conditions. Please no open toe shoes. Bring a folding chair so that you may have something to sit on during instructional sessions (camping style chairs work great). If rain is a probability, it's best to bring rain gear, extra socks and shoes, and something waterproof to enclose anything removed from your vehicle for participation. (Remember that we need to remove anything from the vehicle that could become a projectile.) If sun is a probability, bring sunscreen. See you when you get there :laugh:
  6. Any contact with him yet? Saw this today http://www.motoringalliance.com/forums/white-roof-radio-feeds/14244-woofcast-430-closing-out-mtts-2012-a.html#axzz21YsVaanl so he is alive & kicking (I believe he's referencing your Todd)
  7. This morning I was northbound on Rock Creek going through the tunnel just before the zoo, about 7:30A, I saw a PW hardtop coming inbound. I high- beamed them from a distance, no response. I waved (arm outside window as I had them down) as I went by and couldn't see if they waved back due the reflection of light on their glass (they had all of their windows up), but as we passed I think they had DC tags MINIME.
  8. Lets see now. Quitta at one end and Bert & Laura at the other(?) I don't know everyone well enough (yet) to play this game :embarassed:
  9. The first step on the road to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Of course no one here would label it as a "problem" (of course no on in a cult ever admits that they're in a cult :rofl:)
  10. Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing. R-e-a-l-l-y I was...but I will still be out of the country on vacation then. SORRY But perhaps you could convince some other overly enthusiastic MINI owner to participate. I don't think Micheals indoctrination into the cult...cough, cough...I mean, club, will be finished by then. In fact that would be the perfect time for him (or the next new guy) to perform, cross over, and be told the secret handshake. :rofl:
  11. Oxymoron? :rofl: Happy Happy Joy Joy
  12. Heeyyyy...somebody on the outside said the same thing to me and I told them they were ridicuolus... YES! She's drinking the Kool-Aid. Soon she'll be one :evil: Sounds like a bumper sticker/grill badge if I ever heard one :laugh:
  13. :congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats:
  14. Let the fun begin!!:congrats: C'mon now. It's picture time!
  15. Don't bother. I'm following the advice of an old friend. She said she'd never known me to be so happy about a car and encouraged me to "embrace my happiness". She's an artsy crafsty kind of gal and I'm not inclined to such mushiness...but she was absolutely right. So that's how I start and end every day, driving my MINI and "embracing my happiness". I'm telling you the same. If exclamation points are what you feel, let 'em fly. Enjoy the ride :motor:
  16. Nope, no CM for me either. Nothing wrong with them, I just like my pocket-rockets. Already knows its highest HP available next go round.
  17. Ewwww (said jokingly). You want it to look like a Scion wagon?!? Dunno, I've been a pocket-rocket hatchback owner most of my life (or 2-door teapot as my mother used to call them). My first car was a Dodge Colt Turbo hatchback, in between I've had a Datsun 200SX hatchback (was a beater), Eclipse and Integra just to name a few. The posts down the middle on the Clubman only bothered me until I was shown how to lower the rear headrests by removing the stopper. And prior it still wasn't a deal breaker.
  18. That's what car chargers are for. I also have a couple of battery backups in my laptop bag. One of the older models of this: http://store.griffintechnology.com/tunejuice-for-iphone and a couple of these: http://www.phonesuit.com/primo-micro-battery-pack-for-iphone-ipod/ The Griffin is a POS (the older model I have anyhow) but does serve a purpose as I don't have to remove my Otterbox. The Phonesuit is great, I just wish they also had a spacer adapter so I wouldn't have to risk my iPhone out of it's case to get a charge. I had/have a Mophie Juice Pack but that was for my 3Gs but also didn't provide the kind of protection the Otterbox does so I (but they've fixed that: http://www.mophie.com/juice-pack-PRO-Rugged-case-for-iPhone-4-4S-p/2120_jppr-ip4-blk.htm)
  19. Didn't know there was a DCMM Waze group. Just joined. Thanks. I also have Escort Live (due to your recommendation in another thread) and sometimes run both of them, especially if I'm in a part of town where I don't already know where the speed cameras are located or the favorite camping spots for Officer Friendly.
  20. http://www.waze.com :motor:
  21. Today? Your new baby docks at 3P ET today? For those in-the-know, how much longer before it's off-loaded? Can Michael go down to the dock and watch the delivery? At what point can he start handing out cigars :laugh:
  22. FYI, previous horn replacement thread: http://dcmetrominis.org/forum/topic/1451-factory-horn-replacement/
  23. Walking to lunch with my head of IT, downtown SS. I was on the median and waved as you came up to the light (and as I was on foot you probably thought I was :stupid:, or simply not waving to you). But I took a quickie snapshot as I crossed.
  24. I guarantee the customer hates "do overs" more than you do.
  25. Yesterday I took my MINI back to NT for them to do the repairs they missed the first time...and took it back to them an hour later, after stopping at PMoA to confirm their work was flawed, for them to redo the 2nd set of repairs. I'm still not satisfied but to give my MINI to them a 4th time would only be asking them to really screw things up. In no way, shape, form or fashion - at gunpoint or for a manila envelope - can I recommend NT. P.S. - I found their "customer service" to be as marginal as their attention to detail and handiwork.
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