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Everything posted by Stephatron

  1. I won't RSVP just yet because I am uncertain of my work schedule but I think I will be there
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA you are my hero. I can see you doing that.
  3. Pfft, that's not my goal with them anyway. Nor is the curb rash really that bad. Especially since if I do buy them, I would actually powder coat them to be honest. Do you happen to have the BBS center cap or not at all?? If not, I know ebay probably does or something else. So, all in all, I am interested but wouldn't be able to buy them until potentially after the holidays if you still have them. I don't want you to miss out on a sale if someone is interested though.
  4. Ali, whenever you have free time, lets go out!! I think it would be fun to go play with some cameras in a not so traditional, portfolio-esque way. Are you familiar with the AE1?
  5. How different is the AE1P from the AE1?? I assume minor differences, probably. I was reorganizing some stuff in the bag he gave me and actually found unexpected instructions. Looks like I will be reading them soon :top:
  6. I am a fan of these. How bad is the curb rash? I couldn't really tell from the pictures.
  7. So today, one of my coworkers gave me a present. It's his old Canon AE1. He also gave me a bunch of film and several lenses. I had one of these a few years ago but it had a broken shutter so I'm not too familiar with it. Are any of my photography nerd friends familiar with this camera and potentially its quirks?? Also, anyone want to go on any fun shoots (even though this is a film camera!)?
  8. Quitta came by to visit me at work and now I can't stop grinning and thinking about it. Only because she was wearing her MOTD10 shirt (conveniently). And I happened to wear the same shirt 2 days ago. Is it Dragon time yet?!
  9. Oh thanks for letting me know, Craig. I also realized I'm running the HPS on the front.
  10. Hey I think I will buy them. I need to check how much I longer until I need them though. I forgot to check last night when I washed my car.
  11. Tara Thai has really yummy food. You can't go wrong there.
  12. Congratulations!! Where did you rescue her from? Rescuing babies is the best. I used to be a dog trainer so let me know if I can help with anything ... I promote only positive reinforcement
  13. I don't know my way around the Ballston area. Thank goodness for nav in Lucy. :thumbsup:
  14. It just hit me. It would be really hard to take shots in a metro parking garage on a Saturday :/
  15. Are we still meeting at noon?
  16. I recommend PTuning as well. They work on everything and everyone there is really nice.
  17. I found it funny that Advanced Auto Parts wanted $24.99. But you can get it cheaper online. I ordered mine from PTuning one day when I went with my friend for parts for his 370Z. I paid $8 and it came with the O-ring.
  18. I actually needed a new battery about a month ago to be honest. Lucy didn't even want to start a few times, I was upset. I will forewarn you, the cheapest places I found for a new battery were either Interstate battery for $115 and NTB for $132 with tax. I believe Cricket is an R56, right? If so, you don't need a reset code. My radio presets stayed fine, the only thing I needed to adjust was the date and time because it went all wonky on me in the first place since my battery wouldn't hold a charge. It's really simple to change the battery but we found that since it's in that funky plastic housing, in order to put the housing back on and make it look all pretty, it was easiest to take off the passenger side windshield wiper. Let me know if you need help and I can help you out!
  19. I am super excited about this. And my best friend will be home from Arizona so I will drag her out too!
  20. Yippee :party:
  21. I do too. It was his favorite car too, he goes through cars regularly lol. They had to cut the roof off because he said he couldn't feel his legs :banghead:
  22. I'm not as cool as everyone with vinyl numbers, I have window chalk. So mine stay on until a car wash haha.
  23. Btw, did anyone know the BRG MINI with the silver mirror caps in the pm session? I didn't get a chance to speak to him.
  24. Aw don't feel too bad. I didn't want to be there either because it was so cold. I'm glad everyone had fun!!! I know I had a blast. I hit my first cone EVER in my auto crossing history AND got my best time too, not in the same run haha. Boy, am I more than glad that I got this car!!! I know I personally will be going to the next autocross which will be at Virginia Motorsports Park in Petersburg, VA through NASA on the 6th. I love that course.
  25. Oh right on. I never end up knowing how many auto crosses I'll go to so I'm always scared to register so I don't lose money. Ok so I found out that walk up registration opens at 11:30. I'm gonna try to get there earlier so I can hang out and say hi to everyone doing the morning session
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