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Everything posted by Stephatron

  1. Set it up, I don't see why he would say no! He needs to come do MINI things :top:
  2. WOW sounds like you were busy!!
  3. YEAHHHHH, that's wayyyyyyy too far out! Thanks Ali!! It was a hard decision for me to have to choose between two friends haha. But Dragon runs are near.
  4. Wahhhhhhhhh I want Hellas too, I feel left out. I've wanted them for so long.
  5. Craig, I think these are great ideas. I'm looking forward to the silliness. I have a GoPro, do you want me to bring it as well? Do we have a shirtless man figured out since Mike won't be joining us??????
  6. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I'm so glad you're coming, Lil C!!!!!! WOOT WOOT :rock::rock::party::marshmellow::marshmellow:
  7. I'm sad that I won't be able to do Spring Fling ... I really wanted to. There's always next year, just don't let it fall on April 21!
  8. Not those Hellas, I think she meant Hella Super Tones, derp
  9. I have Hellas, I loooooooooove them :top:
  10. He said FOR the Dragon, not AT the Dragon!
  11. Well played
  12. Good job derpina.
  13. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG :top::rock::rock::rock::rock::motor::motor::motor:
  14. I drove my friend's Elise!!! He always seems to get a good chuckle at me somehow gracefully getting in and out of it. It's part of the fun.
  15. I know!!! I can't wait. I have Dragon brain... BAD
  16. Yeah it's pretty minimalist... But it's because racecar. :motor::motor::motor::motor:
  17. JEEBUZ :top: ... If I was into Scotch, I would be excited.
  18. For a week. Then the week after, it'll be "blah blah blah remember when blah blah happened"
  19. They're wonderful. I love Elises. I told Lucy that one day, her garage mate will be an Elise that I get to alternate between. I don't keep secrets from her.
  20. Yeah but I'm sure phones will be blowing up with updates on each other's where abouts!!!
  21. I think the Elise needs a MINI logo though ... and me to test drive it and make sure all is well with it
  22. Clearly, the best nickname ever! :rock:
  23. I would be worried if he didn't...
  24. I know that the token xA is going to be MINI-fied somehow too.
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