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Everything posted by Stephatron

  1. You do realize there are multiple people with BLUE MINIS, right?! Derp. You could've said with Lucy, sheesh!
  2. Dang, I wish I had seen this earlier because now I'm about to spend $120 at Detroit Tuned
  3. This will be my first Spring Fling!!!!!!!!
  4. I'm hoping to spot GP0060 aka Smokie at some point soon, preferably today!!!!!!!
  5. I made a post it note reminding myself to purchase on Thursday (payday)
  6. I take my MINI to PTuning. I recommend them.
  7. My friend Gene used to work there. He spoke really highly of the place and I have always wanted to try it!!!! Super duper excited :top:
  8. I totally want to dress up as a zombie!!!!!!!!!
  9. Chris where do you work?? This graffiti is BEAUTIFUL
  10. Those are beautiful, very well designed, Laura! Quick question about sizing though, are they true to size or do I need to assume go bigger one?
  11. I'm on a waitlist. If I get in, you can stay with me.
  12. Did any of the graffiti site I sent you seem doable for us or not really?
  13. Hey Ali, if it's an issue to do Falls Church, do you think we could do the Dogfish Head in Fairfax, by the Starbucks I used to work at??? They're pretty big and might have room for us.
  14. Last week at Chic-Fil-A over by my job (Patriot Harley Davidson) there was an electric blue with a white roof with the license plate "I12B BIG" ... Is he a DCMM owner?? I wanted to tag him but I thought it would be awkward since I wasn't in Lucy and he was in the drivethru.
  15. I'm interested in the exhaust. I get paid on Thursday though, can you wait that long?
  16. Wow, you sound more excited to see him than see me haha :congrats:
  17. Dress nice, pfft. Why would anyone dress nice? I don't want to impress anyone. JK!!! I will be fairly nicely dressed.
  18. Me too!!! Justin is coming btw
  19. I know I have seen that MINI somewhere but I can't remember where. That license plate sounds so familiar.
  20. Yeah they sell some at Urban Outfitters lol. You would name them... :rock:
  21. How different are they compared to the AE1. I was born in 88 lol :rock:
  22. You have a Holga still?! I had one when I was 5. I think I broke it. I remember my mom was P-I-S-S-E-D at me.
  23. Hey, the more the merrier to be honest. Especially if you're a bit familiar with the camera too
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