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Everything posted by Stephatron

  1. You do realize there are multiple people with BLUE MINIS, right?! Derp. You could've said with Lucy, sheesh!
  2. Dang, I wish I had seen this earlier because now I'm about to spend $120 at Detroit Tuned
  3. This will be my first Spring Fling!!!!!!!!
  4. I'm hoping to spot GP0060 aka Smokie at some point soon, preferably today!!!!!!!
  5. I made a post it note reminding myself to purchase on Thursday (payday)
  6. I take my MINI to PTuning. I recommend them.
  7. My friend Gene used to work there. He spoke really highly of the place and I have always wanted to try it!!!! Super duper excited :top:
  8. I totally want to dress up as a zombie!!!!!!!!!
  9. Chris where do you work?? This graffiti is BEAUTIFUL
  10. Those are beautiful, very well designed, Laura! Quick question about sizing though, are they true to size or do I need to assume go bigger one?
  11. I'm on a waitlist. If I get in, you can stay with me.
  12. Did any of the graffiti site I sent you seem doable for us or not really?
  13. X2 :rock:
  14. Hey Ali, if it's an issue to do Falls Church, do you think we could do the Dogfish Head in Fairfax, by the Starbucks I used to work at??? They're pretty big and might have room for us.
  15. Wanna trade??
  16. Last week at Chic-Fil-A over by my job (Patriot Harley Davidson) there was an electric blue with a white roof with the license plate "I12B BIG" ... Is he a DCMM owner?? I wanted to tag him but I thought it would be awkward since I wasn't in Lucy and he was in the drivethru.
  17. I'm interested in the exhaust. I get paid on Thursday though, can you wait that long?
  18. Wow, you sound more excited to see him than see me haha :congrats:
  19. Dress nice, pfft. Why would anyone dress nice? I don't want to impress anyone. JK!!! I will be fairly nicely dressed.
  20. Me too!!! Justin is coming btw
  21. I know I have seen that MINI somewhere but I can't remember where. That license plate sounds so familiar.
  22. Yeah they sell some at Urban Outfitters lol. You would name them... :rock:
  23. How different are they compared to the AE1. I was born in 88 lol :rock:
  24. You have a Holga still?! I had one when I was 5. I think I broke it. I remember my mom was P-I-S-S-E-D at me.
  25. Hey, the more the merrier to be honest. Especially if you're a bit familiar with the camera too
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