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Everything posted by Stephatron

  1. 10 hours ... I think I can survive.
  2. I actually know some people who have extra space...
  3. There's always next year ... I'll miss you!
  4. OMG OMG OMG I'm excited!
  5. OWWWWWWWW ... I know some people who should take personal notes of this.
  6. You should!!!!!
  7. I'll blame being directionally challenged again!
  8. Luckily, we had an accidental photo shoot after Ali and I did a run there so I know where the spot is!
  9. I swear it was there last year
  10. That's been there hasn't it???
  11. Do you think you could maybe talk to Barry?
  12. You should let the folks know that aren't from DCMM if you have a way to
  13. Yeah yeah yeah. I didn't want the nav to begin with
  14. Catalina and I both have had quirky issues with out 07 Nav but that makes me relieved (some what) that it isn't just our years.
  15. Mine does that too. Regularly. Then it tells me to make illegal u-turns. Then it recalculates and gets all slow and confused :banghead::banghead: ... must be an 07 thing!
  16. I think we should do it!! It would be fun and enjoyable (for me anyway).
  17. I hate the factory NAV!!!!!!!!!!! I was on the way home from Emerald Isle, NC and it told me that I was driving through water and then that there was no satellite coverage or something. I was terrified since it took me a different home than my normal route. I really HATE it, it's rubbish.
  18. Actually, you can download Google Maps in iOS 6.
  19. I am directionally challenged, I am the first to admit it. I actually don't know how I got there, I was just following a few random MINIs (I don't remember what state they were from but they all had the same state license plates). I think it might have been like a random club run that I stumbled upon. I kept following them and I remember seeing that brown sign. Either way, I know I couldn't get back there this year by myself but I would like to. I do remember it being really obscure and odd to get there.
  20. I might accidentally get lost again there!
  21. I woke up to that video! It was awesome
  22. I remember freaking out at one point and wondering if my car was going to get flooded lol
  23. Did I mention I'm absolutely TERRIBLE at directions?! I got lost and almost ended up in Knoxville at one point. That road was so fun!!!!!
  24. There's a dirt road though I will go down it! (this is the idiot in my coming out that should've bought a Subaru)
  25. I know it's a dirt road, I've been on it! Sorry ADD kicked in and actually had to work for a second. I went last year actually right before the car show and that's how I won. I got lost and decided to just kinda go with it and see where it took me. I did a lot of exploring last year!
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