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Everything posted by rickyr53

  1. Cant access the link but i'd be down for a tune depending on when it is. Injectors and different cam are on order. :top:
  2. As long as they are the real DTM's then i say do it! Its a killer Motorsport wheel.
  3. Enjoy
  4. I call second dibs on the auto up circuit please!
  5. Congrats dude :top:
  6. Wait, what happened?
  7. Geez you werent kidding hahah. I PM'd you :top:
  8. oops, yeah Fix!
  9. Its just a fix it ticket. Present a picture of the plate on your car at your appointed court date and your free. No fees or any kind. Went through this 4 times haha
  10. Can't take credit for the pictures but i can for the car Thanks!
  11. Digital torque wrenches beep when you have reached the limit you set. Get yourself some plastic coated sockets for your wheels :top:
  12. Sweet! I can wait because I have other things that need to get done haha :top: Let me know when you wanna take a crack at the centers. I can bring you a bag of Walnut media to if you'd like.
  13. Might have to take you up on that. Im taking apart my wheels to refinish and was wondering how parts vibrator would work on the 136 bolts i have to polish haha
  14. Me gusta!
  15. PTUNING cant do an alignment to save there life.
  16. Dont think i can call out of work but ill try!
  17. Cake, I can beat all their prices lol
  18. well where is the noise coming from? Im guessing you have a gen2...make sure you zip tie your ac lines up out of the way )if its an issue on your car) so you dont rub holes in them
  19. They are just a tad bit stiffer than stock. I'll be swapping mine out with some 6K linear springs.
  20. Hmm might have to throw the RS's back on for this.
  21. Good luck! Put it up on NAM also. I almost bought those studs from they guy you bought them from lol I did pick up his cage tho.
  22. Sent you a PM
  23. Your need to keep the top hats for the rears.
  24. Did you set them to stock length?
  25. Did you ever get the clutch replaced? I'm swapping a facelift transmission into my 03' now. You can stop by to check it out if you want.
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