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Everything posted by FAST060

  1. Again, Randy delivers quality above and beyond! SMOKIE got her clear bra yesterday. Due to time and the newness of the model, we opted for the standard bra but I will def look into the full hood if need presents itself. Randy will be my GO TO guy. I highly recommend him, if not for services he has a vault of knowledge and contacts.
  2. Wait so... Laura is being chased by Chris and Ali! Wow! :vroom: indeed!
  3. So who will be my dance partner? :dancing::elephant::dancing::elephant::dancing::elephant:
  4. :top:
  5. Paw paw just ran across this event a few weeks ago. I'd def look into it with my summer schedule being a lot more flexible than the Spring.
  6. I'll be at tomorrow’s Car and Coffee at Fair Lake Circle Starbucks (I will be very low-key). As long as the weather isn't silly, there should be a nice crowd out. It's a different crowd from Katie’s but that is my perception. Q Oh yeah, BTW... you can post this kind of thing in "Events". We are car enthusiasts and never pass up a chance to mingle with the like-minded. Drive events are the postings that we ensure to let people know who the hosts are and such.
  7. Hey Joe! Welcome to the forum!:itsme:
  8. Already ahead of you. The shft knob is a no-go. I like the red one. Vanity tag on hold and license plate mount at the ready!
  9. My new MINI
  10. Good call! Smokie (Name Pending) will def need a Bra!
  11. You think this guy would make house calls?
  12. Yeah, what Craig said.
  13. This is for 1 bike. I believe so but I'd recommend you check the catalogue to make sure.
  14. New, Never Mounted Part # 82712180241 http://www.shopminiusa.com/PRODUCT/281/MINI-TOURING-BIKE-HOLDER/?CenterId=33784 Asking for $150 OBO **This is ONLY for the Bike Mount NOT the base.**
  15. Bandit and I were heading to class yesterday afternoon and spotted a GP:rock:, number unknown, heading up Hunter Mill past Lawyers Road. I would have waved but when you aren't in a MINI and wave at MINIs, people look at you kinda cross-eyed. :wavey::wavey::wavey:
  16. I was told, before my first Winter as a MINI-Momma, to not sit idle to warm up the MINI. Let it warm in motion? Has anyone else heard this MINI-specific non-idle suggestion? I think I saw it in the Owners Guide somewhere. I will rock the seat warmers until the engine sounds like it's warm, before I crank the heat on. It was something I picked up during those freezing TX Winters. If I didn't give myself enough time to warm the car up, I had to sacrifice the heat for a few miles. Not to mention it saves us a few more pollutants in the air.
  17. I think the booklet is actually at the Garage Mahal. The base unit is what we didnt have directions for. PM Craig (cmcveay) or Lona (smoke789) to see if they can look up with you need. I don't know when I will be able to get over there. Quitta
  18. Mine didnt come with the booklet but I found one online in a Google Search.
  19. Payment Sent! :motor:
  20. We've created a monster!:hahaha:
  21. :hahaha:
  22. I am in but wanna check on my +1.
  23. http://www.defendersofspeed.com/defenders-of-speed-n14-seafoam-fogger-kit/ http://www.defendersofspeed.com/defenders-of-speed-n18-seafoam-fogger-kit/ Where have I been that I didn't know Clint had a one person KIT!?!?! The parties are more fun but this is nice!
  24. Welcome to the forum! Great color combo indeed!
  25. +1
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