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Everything posted by IndiCooper

  1. ya i cant see it either, but i dont get people who post videos of them driving stupid when they know how big a deal it is to drive safly around there
  2. I drove the duck today too!!!:itsme: but MINIs dont wave at the duck, just stare in confusion:hmmmm:
  3. feel free to stalk my facebook, all my pics are uploaded and as the week goes on im sure people will start to tag me in theirs
  4. :eviltongue: :bootyshake: :aetsch:
  5. :top: :eviltongue: :rock: :congrats: :motor: :party: :bootyshake: :cheers: :eating: :dancing: :aetsch:
  6. Im gonna bring James and Im trying to get him to make bacon mac other wise it might be boring baked ziti
  7. 4 DAYS 18 HOURS 55 MINUTES TIL I LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party: :rock: :top: :adore: :hahaha: :turtle: :sheep: :star: :burnout: :cheers: :creep: :marshmellow: :dancing2: :dontknow: :elephant: :eating: :dancing: :hello: :bawling: :bandit: :aetsch: :ciao: :bike: :vroom: :toilet: :motor: :playingball: :motor: :party: Stickers are in the workers and my big horn is finally getting fixed!!!!!!!!
  8. UPDATE: DEPARTURE IN T MINUS 35 DAYS 13 HOURS 49 MINUTES Sticker cutting has commenced with leftover vinyl from last year, more vinyl getting ordered this week, stickering madness to start in 3 weeks!! :party::top: :stupid: :hahaha: :proud: :marshmellow: :stupido2: :aetsch: :eviltongue::turtle: :bootyshake: :cuckoo: :cheers: :beer: :hello2: :dancing2: :elephant: :eating: :dancing: :eviltongue: :sheep: :beer: :bandit: :cheers: :aetsch: :motor: :creep: :rofl: :party:
  9. for anyone who missed it (like Ali) Kinkaku is the restaurant that we went to on the Pigeon Forge run my dad and I led a couple years back.:motor: Its just like Sakura and this is where Ali's fascination with the flaming tower of onion originated from.:adore:
  10. i thought you would want to go Ali, we're talking the original flaming tower of onion here!
  11. So I was thinking about making a run for some moonshine Monday and was wondering who will be down there early and want to join me. I figure stop at Kinkaku in Pigeon Forge for lunch then head over to Ol Smoky Distillery after to stock up for the week.:cheers: Any takers?
  12. or paint it. those are basically your only options, I don't know of anyone who sells matte ones
  13. I have to work that day but I think my dad is planning to come by with the classic to see if Randy can pop a dent out of the boot lid.
  14. for anyone who doesnt already know this, bonnet and boot stripes are the same thing, just stuck on different parts of the car. Ive never seen anyone put "boot" stipes on a roadster/coupe. If thats the route your gonna take dont buy the facotry stripes. Because of the odd shape of the boot I would recommend going custom. I would not suggest cutting and piecing/stretch together factory stipes into a shape its not ment to be.
  15. OMG totally forgot, I just ordered mine
  16. I LEAVE IN 49 DAYS 15 HOURS 48 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!! :party: :rock: :top: :stupid: :marshmellow: :turtle: :bootyshake: :sheep: :ciao: :cheers: :creep: :highfive: :elephant: :eating: :motor: :eviltongue: :beer: :bandit: :aetsch: :thrasher: :withstupid: :motor: :wavey: :burnout: :aetsch: :party: PS I think I might have my design for this year :top:
  17. im game, just need proper notice
  18. Will there be puppies & sangria?
  19. no usually in the classics so we're gonna pretend like we dont know you
  20. CMR has this on the calendar every year so you should see a good handful of classics, given its not raining
  21. My dad is worse than me so idk if youd be doin paw paw any favors there:aetsch: btw hes never on the forums but ill pass on the message
  22. I'll be there!! James says he's gonna come down early too and im sure once i mention smoked meats he'll be camped out on your front porch! :eating:
  23. :party: REGISTERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:party: 113 DAYS 18 HOURSE 48 MINUTES TIL I LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:party: :cheers::motor::bootyshake::burnout: :rock: :aetsch: :top: :reddy::marshmellow: :turtle::star::bootyshake: :cheers: :eating: :marshmellow::dancing::beer: :aetsch: :cheers::burnout::motor: :laugh::party:
  24. na not weird :stupid: the first time I ran into him at starbucks he greeted me by name and I had no clue who he was :dontknow: lol later I figured out I talked to him about the club at the dealership when he picked up his car a couple weeks prior. just start talking MINIs, he'll go on about his car :top:
  25. The white coupe is Warren (C3M member) hes at that starbucks all the time, when i was still working in Rockville I would run into him all the time. idk who drives the black one but theyre there a lot too.
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