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Everything posted by Brian0758

  1. Pulley just arrived, so I am good to go :top:
  2. Oooops My post has be edited :top:
  3. Well, my MINI buddy, Ali, picked up the belt tension tool from Beau and if the pulley arrives tomorrow, I will be ready to rock & roll :top: If not, I will be there to help out
  4. Hey Beau, Hopefully you can make it on Sunday. Gute Fahrt wants to meet his Hyper Blue brother Alice If you every need help, I have some experience working on my 05 MCS :top: See ya soon, Brian
  5. Thanks to Ali and Beau meeting up today, I will have a belt tension tool for Sunday :rock: Now I hope that USPS delivers my Priority package tomorrow.
  6. Just saw this and it would be great if you made it to Craig's "garage day"
  7. I am located in Chantilly and work near Dulles. Need to check my schedule for Saturday and see if I can meetup with you. Thanks for the offer :top:
  8. Does anyone have a belt tension tool that I can borrow:questionmark: :questionmark: I will be replacing my crank pulley within the next week or so and need one to remove the supercharger belt.
  9. Since the event is close enough to drive home afterwards, I am just going to make it a day event. Plus by not getting a room, I will have more MINI mod money
  10. Hey Roomie, I am heading down either Sunday or Monday for the week. I am so ready for some vacation!
  11. I still have my 05 MCS exhaust if anyone is interested :top:
  12. I took a Phil Wicks driving class when I first bought my MINI and ohhhh what fun it was :rock: Sure wish I could afford more track time on road courses Going to give Autocross :motor: a try this year since the cost is minimal :top:
  13. I agree 100% with switching mechanics. :top: I have done both jobs and there is nothing to difficult especially if you are a mechanic in shop.
  14. This looks like a good article on the front bumper removal - http://www.pelicanparts.com/techarticles/MINI/55-BODY-Front_Bumper_Removal/55-BODY-Front_Bumper_Removal.htm I hope this helps :top:
  15. I removed the bumper skin and bumper on my 05 Cooper S when I installed my lights. It is a pain at first but it is do-able. I actually ended up removing the skin 3-4 times because I needed to adjust the bracket I installed. :top: If you have worked on cars before I am sure you won't have any problems plus you would save some $ for more mods.
  16. That was my exact thought and I agree with it 100% :rock: Very nice tribute from the DCMM crew :top:
  17. The MINI on the shirt sure looks familiar with the 4 auxilliray lights
  18. Right now it is 7 MINI's vs. 7 BMW's
  19. Looks like a Z3 got in also Lets get the final 8 spots filled with MINI's so we can embarrass the BMW's :embarassed:
  20. One thing I surely want to do is go back to The Filling Station Deli (http://www.thefillingstationdeli.com/) for a Cuban sandwich :eating:
  21. :eating:I plan on leaving/arriving on Sunday. :rock: Will be crashing on a friend's couch for a few days and then staying at C3M's cabin the rest of the week. I signed up for the welcome dinner and the brewswap :beer::beer:. Will be helping with some group drives :motor: and whatever else I want to do :biggrin: I just had Barry add me to the farewell dinner :eating::eating:
  22. You might check out the marketplace listing for the 16inch rims. Here is the link. http://dcmetrominis.org/forum/topic/1730-brand-new-wheels-and-tires/ Not my rims so I do not know if they are TPMS compatible.
  23. once you are sign up, your BMWCCA number is included in you email receipt :top:
  24. I had no issues with the registration at 8 this morning. :top: But I just checked the attendee list and there are still only 4 people showing as registered. There must be something wrong with their server.
  25. Craig, you should shoot Etherpool an email and see if he can resolve the registration problems.
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