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Everything posted by Brian0758

  1. Bears still enjoy a little snack before the main course
  2. Here is the link to the Northern Virginia Sports Car Club meetup group. http://www.meetup.com/novascc/ They list the local meetups in the NoVa area. They are having a Cars & Coffee meetup at Summit Point Raceway on April 6th which might be fun to attend.
  3. After re-reading and checking the website, I realized it is the same one I have. Will have to wait til I have extra money and can buy the Hero3 :rock:
  4. Is this the version before the Hero3 :questionmark:
  5. So So tempting! I have an older GoPro but would love to have the ability to Wi-Fi remote. Might have to give it some serious thought.
  6. There is a larger photo posted in her gallery :rock:
  7. PM Sent...GoPro and phone mounts
  8. I am going to assume that the sin bin is the penalty box. If you break any of the rules, you are directed to the penalty box for a time out :laugh:
  9. I checked your FB and I see nothing about STKRS 2.0
  10. I am glad you didn't have to quit your job
  11. WooHoo :top: The first one from VA on the "Who's Going So Far to the 2013 MOTD"
  12. 5:03 and all registered :rock:
  13. Vacation submitted and approved :rock: Once again I am taking the whole week off for extra time at the dragon
  14. :rofl:
  15. I am so ready to hang out with my MINIacs . Still trying to figure out what food to bring. Looks like there will be plenty of desserts. If you haven't done so please post what you are bring. Might have to bring a sleeping bag since the end of 2012 has been stressful and I need to have a few adult beverages :rock:
  16. It was not me since I did not attend. Glad everyone had a great time and see ya all on the next run :top:
  17. Brian0758

    My Mini

  18. Brian0758

    LurayRun 1

    From the album: My Mini

  19. Will probably skip the run and go directly to the park. I am still to low to chance getting on the ferry and to cheap to spend the $5
  20. From everything I have read on the numerous MINI forums, it looks like it is probably the clutch slave cylinder. I need to get under the car and see if there is any fluid under the rubber boot. The other culprit could be the clutch master cylinder but it looks clean and it normally does not go bad :top:
  21. That was so funny and enjoyable :top: That would have made a great video
  22. I am still waiting for photos of "GUTE FAHRT" hanging out on the flatbed
  23. I had a blast and I think Lisa appreciated getting away from the kennel on her day off. She enjoyed everyone's company. :top: Gute Fahrt is safe in the garage and I actually got the clutch pedal to work after pumping it up a few times. Definitely think it is the master cylinder, which is about $85 and looks pretty easy to replace. And a very big THANK YOU to Laura for helping me with her AAA towing
  24. I will be leaving Centreville no later than 9:30 so I should be a Starbucks by 10:15 at the latest :top:
  25. Really did not think you would be the first to notice! I asked a friend from the shelter if she would like to get out of the house for the day. I talk enough about you all and I figured I would let her hang out with us. She lives on the shelter's property, so even on her days off she does not get away and she needs to.
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