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Everything posted by Brian0758

  1. I have some 17" S-lites from my 05 Cooper S. Also have an additional one with a run flat for a spare.
  2. hey Joe, I used a cheap puller when I replaced mine but don't recall how hard it was to remove. Here is an article from Pelican Parts that might help. http://www.pelicanparts.com/techarticles/MINI/11-ENGINE-Crankshaft_Pulley_Replacement/11-ENGINE-Crankshaft_Pulley_Replacement.htm
  3. Has anyone heard from Joe about parts? I also PM'd him but have not gotten any response.
  4. Sorry about the loss of your Hyper Blue What area of the MINI was damaged? Where are you located? I might be interested in coming over and seeing if there are any parts I might need for my 05 Hyper Blue. Thanks
  5. Please remember to also post with your RSVP what you will be bringing to the potluck. We need to make sure we have all the food groups covered :eating:
  6. I was thinking just a reminder about the Holiday party. Adding the event link is a good idea. :top:
  7. Is there a way that a board member can send out a general email reminding all members about the party?
  8. I have an 17" S-lite with nice run flat tire mounted that I used as a spare. I could bring if anyone is interested. Also have 4 17" S-lite rims that would be good for winter tires. I will check the garage and see what other items I might have.
  9. I can get them from work again :top: Will probably need to use the truck
  10. Maybe I will come over and entertain Jake & Elwood I am sure they will be bored with the board meeting :rofl:
  11. How much are you asking ?
  12. I agree with Laura about BYOF :top: So much easier than trying to plan a potluck lunch
  13. "Watching RallyCross at Summit Point" Now that sounds very interesting
  14. Rocklands BBQ - All Weekend but the Cupecakes/Wine is Saturday only :top:
  15. I would imagine that your wave :wavey: is a little more enthusiastic then others . Mine is the laid back, cool wave. A sideways peace sign and a thumbs up :top: My way of saying. " I see you and we are both cool MINIacs
  16. OOoops :embarassed: I have 2 calendars in my office and I was looking at the April one. Me Bad
  17. You have it listed as this evening. Is this correct :questionmark:
  18. Here is a thread showing who is leaving on Tuesday :top: http://dcmetrominis.org/forum/topic/2637-motd-13-caravan-thread/ See at the Dragon, Brian
  19. Just got the OK to take Friday off :top: I need to finish taking care of my Dad's bank accounts with my Mom and then I can finish the work on my MINI. After that I guess I should start my laundry, my shopping, packing and maybe wash the MINI.
  20. I am so ready & so NOT ready for MOTD! I decided to take tomorrow off, so that I can get my dad's bank accounts switched over to mom only and then I can start preparing for the Dragon :top:
  21. Parson's Branch was fun SINCE I wasn't driving my MINI
  22. For any newbies and veterans, here is the 2013 MOTD Event Guide :top: http://www.minisonthedragon.com/event-guide.php Lots of useful info for everyone
  23. Is this our official cabin now :questionmark:
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