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Everything posted by Brian0758

  1. Me too I will refrain from giving details :thumbsdown:
  2. It looks like I will be driving my truck because of some errands I need to do after the picnic, so no pre-run for me. :banghead: I will be bringing a large cooler and gett
  3. This should be a lot of fun and hopefully they will have some great deals at the open house. :top: I better start saving some cash so I can get some new mods
  4. <p>Dale at Hampton Roads Club Mini has been working with MOSS MINI in organizing an open house and here are the final details.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>MOSS MINI Open House</strong></p> <p><strong>August 28, 2010</strong></p> <p><strong>25651 Simpson road</strong></p> <p><strong>Petersburg, VA 23803</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p> <p>August 28, 2010. Doors open at 10 AM. They folks at MOSS MINI will host an open house with tours and some great deals for MINI owners. Moss has been serving the automotive community for over 60 years.</p> <p> </p> <p>This is the link to HRMINI's thread <a href="http://www.hrmini.com/component/option,com_smf/Itemid,32/topic,3793.msg39651/#new" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hrmini.com/component/option,com_smf/Itemid,32/topic,3793.msg39651/#new</a></p> <p> </p> <p>Don't miss this amazing opportunity! Hopefully we can make this an annual event. Lets show the fine folks at MOSS MINI that MINI owners will support them when they step up and offer their hospitality.</p> <p> </p> <p>Lets do this! :top:</p>
  5. Dale at Hampton Roads Club Mini has been working with MOSS MINI in organizing an open house and here are the final details. MOSS MINI Open House August 28, 2010 25651 Simpson road Petersburg, VA 23803 August 28, 2010. Doors open at 10 AM. Th
  6. One route we could consider is take route 55 to Front Royal then 522 thru to Culpeper and then onwards on 522 to Louisa. Any thoughts on this route?
  7. Hey Quitta, What did PMoA say about the oil leak? I was thinking either Fairfax Motors cross threaded the filter or drain plug. Are you going to try and get them to reimburse you for PMoA bill if it was there fault?
  8. ROLMAO :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  9. LMAO - with all these GoPros around, nobody is safe from the camera lens
  10. Big thanks to Maxicooper, Luxor, Wolf617 and Minirab for all you did to make the run sooooo much fun :rock: Sorry I bailed at the Cozy but I was getting a little tired and needed to do a few things around the house. Thanks Again and See you all soon :
  11. WooooHooo it is time to :motor:. Need to check tire pressure, pack a small cooler with water and setup my GoPro for the run. See ya all in Fredneck :burnout:
  12. Finally decided and got the Power Slot rotors but due to my limited budget could not upgrade to the cyro treated. Now I need to run over to MachV's to pickup some braided brake lines, ATE brake fluid and the brake caliper paint kit. :top:
  13. I am looking forward to 7th Annual Cooper Vineyards events :top: Ticket has been purchased and now I need to decide do I drive down from my house or try to hookup with my friends from HRMini :hmmmm:
  14. Thanks for the info. I have a set of Mintex Red that I bought awhile ago and they are also suppose to be high performance/low dust. I need to replace my OEM and am planning on new rotors. I read the Power Slot are an excellent upgrade but not too expensive.
  15. Has anyone ever used the Power Slot Premium Rotors? http://www.powerslot.com/power_slot.php Pricing seems reasonably for a slotted rotor and I like the fact they are finished in a durable black e-coat on the hat, edges and internal vanes.
  16. The planning and pre-runs for the rally are coming together fabulously :rock: Please sign up for the MINIs Rally against Melanoma :motor: and join other Miniacs for a fun event for a very good cause. :congrats:
  17. I am going to replace my brake pads and want to upgrade my rotors. Any thoughts on what type and the best place to buy them? Thanks in advance, Brian :top: PS I would love to upgrade to big brake kits but due to limited funds not ready for the step
  18. Here is the website for Seafoam products. http://www.seafoamsales.com/ Pretty interesting reading on what Seafoam can do for your engine :top: They also make a Seafoam spray and a neat product called Bugs B Gone. They state it neutralizes the acid in bugs remains and can be used for cleaning off your radiator or any other bug kill zones They also state it neutralized brake dust and then the rims are easily cleaned with a hose. I will find some and post a followup :top:
  19. First thing I want to thank PMoA for hosting the event :congrats::congrats: Going to the drive in brought back many many cool memories of hanging out at the 2 drive ins in Northern Virginia PMoA had a great turnout for the pre-run gathering
  20. If you want another camera, you can always borrow mine What time is the autocross at Summit? It might be fun to head down and watch you guys :top:
  21. Hey Craig, I was reading on GoPro's website that they are working on a firmware update that will allow using the camera upside down and the software will flip the image so it records normally. This should allow you to get a little closer :rock:
  22. I just received an official email from PMoA about the event :rock: It seems due to a conflict, we have a choice of seeing either Marmaduke/Shrek 2 or A-Team/Iron Man 2. Since I do want to hang with my Mini friend, what is the consensus on the movies e
  23. I received my GoPro today :party: and was curious what video software you all use :questionmark: Looking forward to my first run using it:rock:
  24. I believe last time I went, tickets were not mailed but you just gave your name at check-in. I would print a copy of your receipt and take that with yo
  25. It was a heck of a good time :rock: I did a dryrun on Saturday to make sure the route was fun and did not involve any gravel roads. On Sunday,
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