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Everything posted by Brian0758

  1. What a fabulous event this year :rock: A big thanks to Laura, Laura, David, Haemish and the rest of the crew that helped organize MTTB 2010. :congrats: And I also want to thank everyone who took the time to participate and contributed to the Wounded
  2. Looking like a Good day for a Great cause :rock: If all that RSVP'd attend, we should have over 100 Minis cruising :motor:around the Beltway today SSSeeee Yaaaa in a few! :party:
  3. Hey Larry whatz up? No problemo with getting flags, we just wanted to make sure that we would have enough! We still had some extras from last year and a sponsor
  4. Just 2 quick reminders, Set your clocks back a hour on Saturday evening and If you still have the flag from last year please bring it with you :top: See everyone on Sunday for this great charity event the raises money for t
  5. Here is the link to Blue Ridge Arsenal's range rules. http://www.blueridgearsenal.com/range-rules-a-info :top:
  6. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  7. I saw the wheels/tires today and they are nice
  8. PM sent about the rear seat delete. Thanks Brian
  9. The first part is "IndiCooper" since she is not legal until 2012. The second part might be me but I recall there were some others that closed the bar with me
  10. Ha Ha I was just being curious which turned into being a smartass I didn't realize you planned on going to the DIY garage. Ed Cove, the owner, is a very nice guy and will give you any advice you might need.
  11. Just curious how you plan on balancing the tires yourself :questionmark: :questionmark: :questionmark: I will buy a front row seat if you are going to balance them on your head :rofl:
  12. Caravaning :motor: down the backroads sounds great :rock: and we will be in Monterey just in time for :beer: o'clock.
  13. Tires normally do loss a little air pressure overtime and the TPMS can be pretty sensitive. Also it was a lot cooler that it has been and that could cause the pressure to read low. Both my Mini and truck have the tire pressure monitors and I will get warnings every so often. i would just add more air and reset the TPMS system.
  14. The lights should be pretty easy to change out. Should only be a couple of bolts and the whole assembly will pop out. I have a manual for the Mini which I will take a look at tomorrow.
  15. Are we all ready :questionmark: Cuz it is time to RALLY :motor:
  16. This the company that we use for personal trainers at our office gym. Jeff & Christa a
  17. Hey Dale, It was definitely an enjoyable run to the Vineyard from Richmond and I wanted to thank you for setting that up. :congrats: I too had a good time there but it was waaaayyyy to HOT! When I got home, I hit the couch and ending up taking a long p
  18. I am so glad you all were impressed with the DIY shop :rock: I met Ed many years ago in the construction business and he is definitely a good guy. I took a tour of the shop a few weeks ago and was very impressed by the facilities :congrats: I will be there in a week or so to do my brakes, rotors and new brake lines :motor: See ya soon, Brian PS Ali, did you get the stuff for the Rally?
  19. I have never heard of a dog rescue / charity NOT accepting cash I am sure there will be a donation / collection jar at the event
  20. I decided I am going to go ahead and meet the HRMini folk at Bruster's ice cream at 9101 W. Staple Mills rd. in Richmond on Saturday morning. I figure if I leave no later than 7am I will have no problem getting there by 9:30 wheels up time I
  21. Great time, Great weather, Great company and food :rock: For those who did not show because of rain missed another incredible picnic because the weather was just about perfect. :congrats: Thanks to everyone who organized the picnic and to those who v
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