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  • Rank
    Sixth Gear
    Sixth Gear

Club Position

  • Title
    DCMM Vice President

Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"
  • Biography
    Wife, Proud Mom of 3, Corgi Mom
  • Location
    Middletown MD
  • Interests
    Travel, genealogy, Old Glory DC Rugby
  • Occupation
    Insurance Agent, retired


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S All4 Countryman
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Light White
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name

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  1. We need a drive leader for an Hop, Skip, & Brew run in March, it does not need to be an all day affair, and can be a recycled run We'll help you with every aspect of set up and execution if you're interested. You DO NOT need to be a Board member, but you do need to be a Club member to lead (Due to insurance restrictions). Please let me know if you're interested
  2. Oh she (He?) looks like she's going to be a lot of fun on the backroads. Looking forward to meeting you both. We have a few runs already set up to start the 2025 season if you're interested. As as a Forum member the first Open run is on Feb 22: Mistress Run, but if you're considering joining (Paid membership) check out our Member's only runs here, and join us on any one of them to see if we're a good fit, "Try before you buy" We'll see you out there.
  3. We are also registered, looking forward to hanging out with everyone!
  4. Love that!
  5. @Widdie We're definitely going to miss Jill! @Duke I think we all need to see it then!
  6. I think the Hawaiian shirt crew needs to make another appearance at MOTD
  7. Nice!
  8. @Brandy_Brown We will need Rey's address please
  9. Ok, Chef Michael said he's making Paella, and we'll do a double white elephant too
  10. Ugh, hate to pile on, but you all know I’m not the cook in the family. I’ll try to get the Chef to tell me what we’re bringing asap. We’re participating in the white elephant gift exchange, but question, is it a per person or per couple gift exchange?
  11. That’s awful Evan, first and foremost I hope you are ok? I’m very sorry this happened to you and to your new MINI. Hopefully it can be repaired or replaced quickly and you can get back on the road soon.
  12. Nice! Let me know when you want to go live with the Social media push
  13. Mike refused to go unless I promised we could do the Corey Hellbender again
  14. The best place to start is the MOTD website. A little dated in the looks department, but very well laid out for information! The most fun place to stay is at Fontana Village because that's where all the action is. I'd start by giving them a call to see if they have any rooms or cabins available (I got lucky last week and snagged a cabin) don't forget to tell them you're coming for MOTD because they offer a discount. If they don't have anything available, ask to be put on the waiting list, but keep checking back with them. Cabins & rooms open up all of the time as reserved rooms get released leading up to the event. Next: Register on the MOTD website between Jan 17th-Apr 13th. And register your hubby too because on a lot of the day drives there is a "Person" limit (Not a MINI limit) so each "Person" will need to RSVP separately to any day drive you want to join Next: Read over all of the day drives and events and be ready to sign up for the runs you want when drive registration opens on Feb 15th. Some of the more popular drives (Like Corey's Hellbender drive) will fill up immediately, so try to snag those first I am not an introvert, but I do have anxiety to the max, I create a spreadsheet of each day's activities so that I'm not overwhelmed. There's so much fun to be had!
  15. We initially thought we weren't going to make it to MOTD this year, but our plans changed, and when I called Fontana they had a cabin open, so looks like STXMINI is returning to the Dragon this year! Anyone else heading down?
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