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Everything posted by NUTTY

  1. We are fine with that time, but are flexible as well.
  2. We’ll also be doing the entire route of MTTS this summer. Hopefully, we’ll see you at one of our local drives in the near future!
  3. We’ve also already booked our refundable hotels for route except the two days of on your own which is kind of crazy since in 2016, we didn’t do this until May/June. In 2014, I did it the week before I drove up to the segment I started on! I really want to do this but I wish NUTTY was at least half its age. In a perfect world, I would drive to ABQ but have NUTTY shipped back from Seattle. But that’s only if the stars line up and I get reliable transportation back for NUTTY. If not, I would drive back. I’m envisioning a three week trip. Whether we do this & how much Beth will participate, remains to be seen. The picture I use of NUTTY was actually taken by MINIUSA on MTTS 2016 while driving in Wyoming.
  4. We’ll be there too!
  5. Still any chance to get a t-shirt?
  6. I may go as this is very close to my home.
  7. Where is lunch?
  8. XL or XXL Men’s short sleeve any color.
  9. Anyway to still get a tshirt?
  10. Ok. Thanks!
  11. I’m confused. There’s three of us. Would I have to pay $34 just so I can meet you all in their parking lot?
  12. Who is still going? We’re leaving on 8/1 and getting to just north of Ann Arbor on the first day. The next day, we’re driving over to near Lansing to meet up with a group that’s going to drive the Tunnel of Trees on the way to Saint Ignace. On 8/4, we’re going to meet up with the Canadian Bacon group and will run with them until the ferry to Newfoundland. After that, we’ll work our way home.
  13. What is still needed for the picnic?
  14. I’ll be in Orlando Friday Afternoon. Going on the dinner cruise tomorrow night in Clearwater with MINIs takes Florida.
  15. So only four of us?
  16. My Nav and Comms guy is my 12 year old. This will be his 3rd MTTS.
  17. As much as I’d like to start out in Portland, it’s just not practical for us. At this point, we’re planning to take the Auto Train down to FL and go all athe way to Keystone. We’ll probable go down Monday night 7/9 in order to participate a little bit in MINIs Take Florida.
  18. NUTTY

    MINI on the Mack

    Who's on the road today on the way to St. Ignace? We're on the Ohio Turnpike now and will be stopping just North of Ann Arbor tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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