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Everything posted by 1975_mini

  1. torn between coming to the run in the PMoA loaner countryman or taking Watson to a local little car show.:hmmmm:
  2. unique for sure, I had a buddy a few years back that had tires with about a 2 inch yellow stripe in the center of the tread. He wanted to see what the burnouts looked like, so he went to the big empty parking lot and did a few. Back fired when someone had called the cops, when they came they saw the yellow stripes, and his tires. So they ran his plates knocked on his door and handed him a ticket.
  3. i think ali needs a set of these tires http://www.1addicts.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=814958&d=1359891790
  4. tiger blood, WINNING!!!
  5. this is the emotocon foe ADD:rofl:
  6. that would be a good first time project to try, if you want black go to home depot or lowes (8 bucks) versus ordering online for 15 bucks a can. you can also use black electrical tape to back out that trim very easily. just run tape then run an exacto knife on the seam. it will trim and press into the seam at the same time.
  7. Thats is the best part of plasti-dip, if you screw up just peal off and try again. What are you looking to do or have done:questionmark:
  8. While doing my scan of CL for anything good. I came across a GP here in Fredericksburg and thought I would share:motor: http://fredericksburg.craigslist.org/cto/3799217126.html
  9. just read in the ptunning post that you a dropping smokie, not sure if a bottle jack will work due to clearance, you will probably need to use a scissor jack. I would wait till after you lower and measure your clearance from jacking point to ground.
  10. if you are looking for a jack when doing projects, sears had a 3ton jacks, 2 stands, and a creeper for 99 bucks. Brandy got it for me last year and works great on her clubman. I have to drive watson up on ramps first to get the jack under, but prefer that way less twist to the subframe. Harbor freight has lot of good bottle jacks for carrying around. when loooking the wider the base the more stable. Any time you have a reason to go to harbor freight its a good thing.
  11. looked like a newer one with the badging
  12. While north on 95 yesterday around 12:30ish I spotted an GP headed south near mile marker 115:motor:
  13. i have one in the garage that i can let you use to test fit, but there is no way to test fit with out pulling out the entire factory air box. I agree with everyone else as long as it is the same air box it should fit. it is definitely a tight fit and takes up all the space under the hood. If you have added a strut bar you will likely run into fit issues. I am down is fredericksburg so likely a bit out of the way.
  14. that sounds cool, i was excited when i saw the selection of colors pd has out. purple, green, yellow, blue:congrats:
  15. Those pesky gov't computers make it so had to goof off:rofl: I know your pain
  16. Art is supposed the be spontaneous. If you just wing it you will always be suprised:top:
  17. i was planning on catching up on work instead I lost 45 minutes surfing through mindthecurve.com :banghead: thanks for posting, i knowhow my dog feels when she sees a squirrel.
  18. welcome, and look foward to meeting you at an event soon
  19. sounds like a good time, sorry I am going to miss it.
  20. Craig, they look great, thanks for taking the pics.
  21. Burning rubber is always a better smell then burning clutch. Before you know it; it will all be second nature, and till then it gives you a reason to motor in your mini. not that anyone really needs a reason.
  22. Wow the photo looks awesome. :top:
  23. We had a great time; and thank you for the great photos. Unfortunately the sustained 60mph drive home let me diagnose a failing u-joint. So I will be changing it out next weekend I have free to devote to it. :banghead:
  24. Wow, a full week before Ali brought up the name question. I think that is a new record:rofl:
  25. Great looking photos; thank you for taking them Ali :congrats:
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