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Everything posted by RyanMBlue

  1. <---- this Ryan? I wasn't in Leesburg yesterday, so maybe just a Doppelganger? Unless you mean Ashburn, in which case, SORRY! :wavey:
  2. Don't know much about seafoam, but I know lots of people think they get higher MPG when they add additives to their tank, not thinking about the fact that their MPG might have gone up because there's that much more liquid in the tank If it is a good cleanser though, once every tank my be overkill
  3. Awesome!!! :burnout:
  4. For anyone who missed out on buying one of these at $229.99 instead of the MSRP of $299.99, I found it still for $229.99 at 2 sites. Buy.com (which sells all SORTS of stuff, good reputation) http://www.buy.com/prod/gopro-hd-helmet-hero-170deg-wa-cam-w-mt/q/listingid/66870170/loc/111/213690419.html and B&H Photo Video, which is widely known throughout the photography world as a great online retailer. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/657021-REG/GoPro_CHDMH_001_HD_Motorsports_HERO_Camcorder.html Have fun Videoing your motoring!!! :motor:
  5. Cooper, not copper! Believe it or not, it took me a few days before I figured out the reason that particular winery offered a Mini event! :rofl:
  6. I would just go with what a lot of people on NAM said. I wouldn't rush into a $30,000 car purchase just because a MA is pressuring you to "BUY NOW" This is a car that you will (hopefully) be living with for 5-10 years. You don't want to cut corners. Even if what they are telling you (about no ordering in June) is true, you will more-than-likely be able to find a low-mileage pre-owned or even a 2010 new Mini that some dealer is dying to get off their lot in a few months. If you are like me, however, and once you decide you want something you need to get it FAST, then just make sure you call around to all of the area dealerships and confirm what your MA is telling you is true. Another dealer may be willing to work with you to get what YOU want, and not what THEY want. I got my 2009 MCS from Mini of Sterling last August, and they had more selection that I knew what to do with. I was planning on custom ordering one, but they had one on their lot that had EVERYTHING that I wanted, minus 1 or 2 options that I could have done without anyhow. Good luck with the Mini hunt!
  7. I bought my '09 MCS back in August. Since then I have put around 8500 miles on it. The onboard computer is telling me that it is estimating another 4000 miles before its next service. I was told that the car's computer will calculate and tell me when I need to bring it in for service, and that in the "Service-Info" menu it will tell me how many miles until it thinks the next service will be required. My question is this: The computer has yet to let me know that it needs a service. I have never had a car where 8500 miles later it still does not need some form of service, be it an oil change or whatever. Is this normal? Do I need to schedule a service even though there is nothing pending in the onboard? I am planning on driving down to the outer banks in around 2 weeks, so I was just checking if I need to get a service before then. Thanks for the input!
  8. Haha, yeah, saw him pulling
  9. [sarcasm] Oh good [/sarcasm] Ready for a look @ that video whenever you get a chance to get it up :hahaha::motor:
  10. http://picasaweb.google.com/ryanmblue/MiniMemorialDayRun?feat=directlink There's a link to my pictures from Sunday.
  11. So how do we know how many people to wait for @ the sheetz with all these maybes?
  12. Love the part @ 5:24 where you see the old minivan holding back a group of like 10 Minis... makes me laugh a little, because I know how much that sucks! Great video!
  13. As long as I could keep my 7 character custom, I would be up for it.
  14. This may sounds stupid, but I was talking to my Mom and Step-Dad about their weekend plans, and they showed a bit of interest in coming with us in their Jeep and/or Harley. There isn't some unwritten rule about non-minis at these things, is there?
  15. Sounds like fun! The weather on Sunday is supposed to be great, too! :top:
  16. I'm in the same boat as you. I am leaving on the 13th for a long trip down to the
  17. Congrats on the new Mini! Might be a good day to take a long "Lunch Break" :motor:
  18. You can buy tickets now! http://coopervineyards.com/store/page6.html 4th Annual mini-Cooper Rally – for wine-lovers and mini-lovers alike – drive your mini if you have one. Fee includes souvenir mini-glass and live music. $15
  19. Thats so funny! I don't think I have ever had another Mini park next to me
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