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Everything posted by RyanMBlue

  1. Every time I go to Dulles 28 for lunch, I must see 50-100 MINIs. That MAY have something to do with me driving right past MINI of Sterling, however... :rofl:
  2. Was just coming on here to say I saw WUPWUP! I was eating at Cafesano at the time. On the way home, I also saw 2 MINIs exiting 267 at the clock tower exit, IIRC. :itsme::itsme::itsme: to everyone!!!
  3. Ha! I thought it was you, but didn't want to make any assumptions based on a 2 second glance in case it was someone else. I want to drive a MINI in stick sometime. I miss my manual...
  4. I haven't done it other than this year, so I am not sure how the other scoring went. I do know, however, that clues like "Your MINI at Mach V" or "Frying Pan Road sign" seem like nothing but a giant trap if it is worth the same as all other clues. Some form of distance should be taken into account if you want people to try to get more of the obscure clues
  5. :wavey: Got a wave from someone in a Red MINI with white bonnet stripes. It was a MINI Of Sterling Loaner!
  6. So I have Rota RBs, Black with Polished Lip. 1st question. The polished lip. I have to assume that is polished aluminum? Chrome? I need to pick the correct cleaner to match the material. 2nd question. Any cleaning suggestions to remove some stubborn brake dust and black spots on the polished part of the rim? Thanks in advance!!!
  7. Any chance you can post all the scores? I am curious as to what we got
  8. So if you substitute 0 for 1, $111 becomes $000. Ill take it!!! :rofl:
  9. I'll be washing my MINI tonight outside my house in Ashburn, if anyone wants to come by and borrow a hose/bucket/cleaning stuff, feel free to PM me, or post in here! See you all tomorrow morning!
  10. Pick the parking lot of some closed big-box store or grocery store. There is noone there who COULD mind, even if they wanted to. I also doubt anyone would mind in the back corner of an auto-zone parking lot or something.
  11. So my MINI will be packed! Got the wife, my mom, and my sister to join me! Game on! :motor:
  12. I believe I will be participating, just checking with the "boss" tonight. My mom might ride along with me, as well. I am trying to get EmilyR (new member, just joined, also IRL friend) to come with someone, as well!
  13. Easier said than done for someone who has never recharged their own AC before. Anyone have either a guide to do this or is it something worth going to a dealer/MachV for?
  14. So I am not an expert in this by any means, but if I understand it, Gen2 (R55/56) MINIs get carbon buildup in the engine. Seafoam, when applied like this, soaks into the carbon buildup, loosening it, and letting it be cleaned out of the engine. Someone else please correct me if I am wrong. I think that I have heard that once every 6 months or so is helpful.
  15. Thanks all! Seafoam successful!
  16. Is this the correct way to use seafoam for a R56 MCS? I am going to try to do it this weekend, along with a friend who has a 2003 Justa.
  17. I am pretty sure there was also some yelling as you passed by the T-intersection I was stopped at :rofl:
  18. :itsme:It was nice to run into someone who would wave! Most people in the Ashburn area are in it for the MPG and not the community, it seems :stupid:
  19. What he said^ What mine actually turned out to be, believe it or not (har har har) was that my tire was low... I didn't notice until my tire was flat one day and I found a giant screw embedded in the tire. I guess the loss of tire pressure was just low enough that my analog pressure tool didn't notice the change but the TPMS did. :embarassed: :congrats:
  20. When are you placing the order? I have a friend who just bought a MINI and might be interested :top:
  21. For any of you photo folks that have been waiting for a good time to spend some money on post-processing software, TODAY ONLY B&H has Lightroom 3 on sale for $70. It is usually $135-$150 Here is the link: http://dealnews.com/Adobe-Photoshop-Lightroom-3-for-PC-and-Mac-for-70-free-shipping-/549851.html
  22. It seems like something is weird with the spedo data. It is lagging behind, and only updates in batches. Looks like a neat tool though, and cheap compared to some others!
  23. MossMini.com is pretty good
  24. Someone want to make a DCMM Group, or should I?
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