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Past Club Member
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Everything posted by FAST060

  1. I'm in! I'll just need a reminder. Eh hem, Lil C.
  2. Bravo bravo bravo!
  3. Alberto gave me a copy of SMOKIE's Dyno footage. I uploaded a short clip on SMOKIE's FB Page.
  4. I can do a drive-by in the middle of the night!:rock::motor:
  5. 600 Hours
  6. Jono, was that you at the light on Government Center/in front of Wegmans? I was enjoying a bit of jackassery and flew by you but honked! :waving:
  7. You do this to me every year! Suggest what not to do and I do it! I'm so easily influenced! LOL
  8. SMOKIE spotted ZPARKLES on Shirley Gate today! :itsme:
  9. -3 for SMOKIE and her Band of misfits! :rockin:
  10. I second that!
  11. +1 Brake line upgrade for SMOKIEs 10k Present!
  12. MANIs and PEDIs anyone?
  13. :top:
  14. What happened to the snow? :banghead:
  15. Well, s-n-o-w and SMOKIE don't jive well. :/ Have fun, snow bunnies!
  16. Cheers to all! Great time as always!
  17. :top:
  18. Can you save an additional parking spot for MNBRPIG (my +1)?
  19. Party like a rock star!
  20. Is that the one with the biggest refund? Dohhhh! I need lunch money!
  21. I'm sure this is on the web but can someone tell me what date/day was settled on. I'm only on Tapatalk at the moment.
  22. Whatever!
  23. Did we discuss the big brake fit on SMOKIE? I can't recall.
  24. Someone has to record it if I haven't made it down.
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