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Everything posted by LV2CRNR

  1. nice mods to make a well rounded street car. I will have to do clutch soon when I get my engine work done. Do you have any extra noise from the clutch? When I did a clutch upgrade in my GTO I got alot more noise from clutch engagment at low speeds.
  2. Sounds good I can make 8:30 In McLean
  3. Well I got my new job, but have to start training in Indianapolis, IN on the 13th. So not sure if I can make this event now since I will be taking the MINI out there on the 12th.
  4. I will take them, guessing no tires or sensors right?
  5. I'm planning a fall tour, just haven't posted since it's a little early. Also got a luray caverns trip in the works. If your got any ideas or suggestions just pm me anytime. Jason
  6. I think that's christina
  7. Had a great time on my first spring fever run. Sorry I had to duck out early, but I needed sleep after being up for 20+ hours. Jason
  8. I saw Mr. EZ on 495 while gong to work last night. He flashed his rear fog at me and now I want one.
  9. For exhaust I like the invidia which I am replacing my borla with. My brother is replacing the alta catback with my borla because he thinks it's too loud. Also this us coming from a jet aircraft mechanic. The alta spit fiberglass all over his car for 3 weeks when it was new. When you go to buy your exhuast I reccomend calling the companies direct and haggingly the price because I got the invidia for 600 shipped when it retails for 889.
  10. Thanks for posting this laura. Still getting back to reality after MOTD.
  11. Thanks for the info. Next year I will make it to your dinner.
  12. Finally got my brakes on friday. well worth the money, will post up pics soon. Also the new design doesn't need wheel spacers with mini wheels.
  13. I loved the event, it was a good training session before I hit the dragon. Those Wilwoods on my car are broken in now. Glad it was a slow night at work since I never got any sleep.
  14. What size? Could pick up. Jason
  15. Since I thought Edges was a good idea I thought I would start a Wednesday plan. I know a few have expressed that they will be leaving then. I get off at 5:30 am and planning on leaving soon after. Depending on interest and location meeting place not yet determined. Jason
  16. Totally the right decision. I wouldn't want to drive 100 plus miles sick. Just be glad it was today and not during MOTD 2009
  17. guess I was the one and only board member. Thanks for the crumb cake it was really good. That is one decent MINI dealer, a lot of cars in stock.
  18. I like that, for 38 each I thought I would put it after the first day anyway.
  19. Just got my MOTD metal badges, but they are veteran one's. Considering this is my first year not sure if I want to put them on.
  20. I will do a Wednesday departure caravan. I have a V1 radar detector installed for the police.
  21. Wish I could, but can't leave until Wednesday morning. I like your route, 81 to TN is a great run down the corridor. Just watch out for police, they love hiding up and down there. If you could send me your route details there I will be taking the same route the next day.
  22. Sounds like a fun event. Jason
  23. sorry I didn't make it out, but work was crazy with broken aircraft last night. Hoping to make it out to the next one. I will have my wilwoods and harness installed by then. Jason
  24. Looks like fun and looking at the last couple of years I guess I'm in for a ride through those roads.
  25. I saw a red with black parked on tammel road on my was home. I live a couple of blocks away. Jason
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