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Everything posted by minirab

  1. I have a MINI space saver for my JCW. For that wheel to fit over the rear brakes you will need a 15mm spacer. I have an extra one I can sell you. You will also need longer lug bolts and I think I have four I don't need. Just a thought.
  2. You know that NBC Sports had a half hour daily recap of each day's racing.
  3. Chris....thankyouthankyou!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I know that it's early but I just checked with Accuweather and it doesn't look too good...rain every day! Let's hope that changes in the next seven days.:motor:
  5. Because I live in Hagerstown I always take I-81. That being said heavy truck traffic is mostly on a Friday and Sunday nights. In the past I make Knoxville from Hagerstown in a tad over six hours. You will have no prob- lem with I-81.
  6. I had black gauge faces put on by Helix at the Dragon.
  7. yesyesyes!:motor:
  8. Just saw this. Go to www.tailofthedragon.com and up close to the top you will see where to click on a video "new speed enforcement on the dragon?" It is a hoot and well done!!:laugh::motor:
  9. See everyone then!:motor:
  10. Whatever you decide on try to have the option of a black shirt along with the white.
  11. I'm leaving Hagerstown about 0400 Wed. morning which should put me there approx 1200-1300. Last time I made Knoxville in 6.5 hours.:motor:
  12. Merry christmas to all.:motor:
  13. Five stars everyone, five stars!! Great turn out and no issues that I was aware of. Big thanks to all who had anything to do with it!:motor:
  14. If you find the leak in the morning after the car has been sitting all night then it is the thermostat leaking. There is a white plastic gasket that gets deformed. When the motor is hot it seals perfectly but at night when the motor cools down it will leak. My 2006 R53 needed replaced last year. It took the mechanic about 45 min. to replace.
  15. Another great one, thanks!
  16. Glenn, you're alive and well!!:motor:
  17. I was at MoBC today to have a SES problem fixed and two of the MA's told me that at last count they have 411 people signed up for Sunday! Everyone will have to park in the lot next to the dealership on the south side. They are going to clear out
  18. Just made my rsv for next year in the lodge. It did sound as if they had many openings but the desk clerk said that they were going fairly quickly.
  19. Yesterday the EML light came on. 2006 MCS with a 15% pulley, cai, ex- haust, and tune. All have been on the car for over three years. Car still runs great, idles like it should, etc. just the light on. Do I need to worry about it going into limp mode or anything else? It has 60,000 on it now. Thanks.
  20. Who got some mods installed at the Dragon and what did you get?
  21. Try one off any Honda, I have had one since new, it's about 6" and get real good reception.
  22. Edge, like I told you, that was one of the best, thanks!:motor:
  23. I'm on my third set of Kumho SPT non-runflat tires. I think they are real good for the price. I usually get 20-25 thousand miles on each set before they get extremely noisy, then it's time for another set. The last set I bought from the Tire Rack were $84.00 per tire. Don't know what the runflats go for.:motor:
  24. I believe in Md. it is 35%. When I had mine done I wanted to go darker but the shop said that if you drive your car alot it will be just a matter of time before the police will get you. Then you will have to pay to have it taken off and the legal tint put on. I'm gald I listened.:motor:
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