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Everything posted by Claymore

  1. Get hold of a code reader and see what code it's throwing.
  2. Durrrrrrr. The Bilstein/H&R kit lowered it about 1.5" up front and about 1" in the rear, so now I need rear control arms to get the camber dialed in. Just called Helix and ordered them, should be here tomorrow.
  3. Exhaust is being put on today; I'm having a shop do the suspension work (Bilsteins and H&R springs and swaybar), and they need to drop the exhaust to get the rear subassembly off to get to the rear swaybar anyway, so they're doing the exhaust at the same time.
  4. I have the Bilstein Sport/H&R combo going on tomorrow, along with an H&R 18mm rear sway bar. I'll let you know how it pans out.
  5. I just caught up on this thread. Did you use the tow hook mount at the Dragon? How did it turn out?
  6. Haven't put them on yet - the springs and sway bar arrived, but the shocks were on back order and will be arriving tomorrow. I plan to put it all on this week, but I'm currently pondering some fixed camber plates from Ireland Engineering. I'll let you know how it goes.
  7. As far as reception goes, I went a whole week once without a stock antenna (forgot to put it back in after I washed the car) and didn't notice any drop off in quality. Unless you're trying to pull in some obscure low-power FM'er out of Harrisburg, it's all style, IMO.
  8. I'm in Gaithersburg, but I have no problem driving to you. Send me a PM.
  9. UPS brought it yesterday. Of course I couldn't resist and had to open the box. First impression: this appears to be a first-class system. The steel is nice and shiny, proper gauge, and the welds are all perfect. Now I just need to find someone with a lift so I can get this on!
  10. The mod bug has hit - hard. I have a Bilstein/H&R setup being installed next week, and I just bought a Stratmosphere exhaust yesterday: http://www.stratmosphere.com/mini_exhausts.htm It's essentially a Milltek exhuast, but about $100 cheaper. Seems to have gotten good reviews so far. I'll let you know how it goes. Tom
  11. Emma came with a clear bra, and she has about 60K miles now. I detailed the car over the weekend, and the condition of the bra has clearly deteriorated - pits, deep grooves, etc. No amount of buffing made it look any better. So now...time to remove it and possibly get another one. Anyone have any experience with this?
  12. Just pulled the trigger on a Bilstein/H&R setup from Promini: https://www.promini.com/product-exec/product_id/4171 This includes an 18MM rear sway bar as well.
  13. The time has come to replace the shocks/struts on my '05 R53. I've read through some of the reviews on Tirerack.com, and it seems the Koni Sports require a little bit of drilling to make the fronts fit in the hole. The Bilsteins look good, but $$$$. Anyone have a recommendation?
  14. Great run, great company. I think that's the first time Emma's been airborne
  15. Could have been me.
  16. So I finally had some good weather over the weekend to put the Alta on. The box itself was easy to install, but the tube was a bit of a struggle. I love the whiiiine, but I could do without the whistle at partial-throttle. From what I've been able to piece together, the Detroit Tuned Bypass Valve will take care of this. It really is a slippery slope, isn't it?
  17. I just returned from AMVIV, a trip in which I put over 6100 miles on the car in nine days. I have the clear bra on the car, and it turned out to be a godsend. During the trip, I went through a snowstorm in Wyoming, and dealt with the remnants (sand, gravel) of the snowstorm that hit the midwest during my return trip. My windshield looks like someone sand-blasted it; the front of the car took nary a chip. I can't recommend the clear bra enough.
  18. Alta CAI 2.0 is on the way. Looks like a fairly straightforward installation procedure. Now for the exhaust...:rock:
  19. That's kind of what I like about it :top:
  20. OK, now that I've started down the slippery slope of modding with the pulley, the CAI is next. Do I go with the Alta, the M7/DDM, or the JCW?
  21. Looks like my Mini activities budget is blown until later in the year; the trip to Vegas could prove to be costly.
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