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Everything posted by JustJAY

  1. Wow VioletDC you're GM is really young
  2. I asked Mike and he said that you can wax your MINI. You will have to wash it the day of install as well.
  3. Just so this is clear, here who is in the cabin: JustJAY MINInurse Scavenger Brian0678 e30r56 +1 That is a total of 6. Once again, all full
  4. Lookin good! Jason, Sorry to hear
  5. Well, look at my pic!:fight:
  6. Contact Snooter or use the MOTD FB Fan Page!
  7. All Full again!!!!! This was originally a M|U cabin, but now is a DCMM cabin!
  8. Bed Bump!
  9. MINInurse's Winter wheels now.... If they fit
  10. Rear Roters Mike from Aesthetic Creations
  11. Neither do printed maps. GPS with traffic I believe know road closures.
  12. So it will be known as MoB? Should have some sort of gangsta logo :boxing::fight::damnma
  13. CF wrapped roof and 12.8 BBK w/new RRs gonna be at MOTD
  14. Yes, I am gonna try Thanks. Got lucky
  15. Aesthetic Creations. I am still waiting for those, headlight rings, and scoop. Gonna have the roof done at MOTD. Unfortuniately need to fix the tach ring, speedo ring, and driver mirror cap
  16. Yes, SF got some new feet again and got some stuff wrapped in that 3M DI-NOC CF Vinyl stuff New Wheels Blitz BRW Profile 17x7 3M DI-NOC CF Vinyl Center Caps in CF like vinyl
  17. Hammerette, why did you bother to RSVP NO when it is obvious? Sorry to hear you are MINIless though. Perhaps a new boss/boyfriend can help you out with that. :top:
  18. I will be driving from around 9pm ish after work Thursday and driving through. Google Maps says about 9.5 hrs, so I should be there around 6A Friday. :motor::stupid:
  19. Nice job :top:
  20. Those look GR8! :rock:
  21. Well, it turns out that we had one back out, so we have a bed available. If you want to share a room with Scavenger, it is available.
  22. Next to fire pit #617
  23. Here is an update from MOL via M|U: I actually talked to Congressman Heath Shuler earlier today and told me he was not fully aware as to what was going on with the Dragon: Just updated on the dealsgap.com web site about today's meeting: "Friday March 26 Ok folks meeting is over, just reread my notes and here it is in a nut shell: Contract will be awarded monday afternoon. Clean up must begin by 5 april but they can start sooner. Finish date is 31 July 2010 however, huge bonus for finishing before that. TDOT has placed what they call a safe date and are not really sure it will take that long but feel that was a date they could live with. The barricade at the state line: It will stay there until we can get a few issues sorted out. Swain and Graham county commissioners stated they would have no issues crossing the state line and emergency management teams concurred there is no legal issues with that. The law enforcement is the big issue as it is not as easy to transfer jurisdiction because of liabilities and the dangerous nature of there business. Congressmen Heath Shuler feels that we can work with other avenues such as federal money to help pay for Blount county or TVA to work the gap if THP feel they can not accommodate. For what I heard in this meeting, most of the agencies will not have a issue moving the barricade back it is THP that will be the hold up. Congressmen Heath Shuler, Sen John Snow and Rep Roger West, all from NC will be working hard to make a deal fast with TN on getting this done. No one wants this to be a free for all but wants everyone to be able to enjoy the Dragon and have a great time in the area. What can you do top help: Ok time to lay off the NC emails and calls other than your letters of thanks and encouragement as they are clearly on our team. We as well as our Congressmen need you to contact the Governors office not by email but please call as emails are not being addressed, email the other TN officials from our save the gap link. We need them to understand that they will lose more tourism dollars as almost all the places to stay are in there districts not western NC. So lets get the emails rocking and burn up the phones. The NC folks said they got a overwhelming response and have heard the call. Thanks Gang, I can not tell you how proud I was to hear that, we have a wonderful community. "
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