Event created by 1975_mini
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Event created by 1975_mini
It’s time to check out those great creameries scattered across central Maryland again, it is the annual creamery run. We will be starting in Frederick, MD and winding our way through some great roads to 3 different creameries, and an optional 4th, to get those VA drivers back south of the river. Check out the details below and RSVP for an afternoon of fun.
We have included the estimated arrival times for each creamery in case someone wants to join mid-run. If you intend to join mid-run please let us know in the comments after you RSVP.
Ice Cream Shops
1st Stop: Rocky Point Creamery (MD) https://www.rockypointcreamery.com/
2nd Stop: South Mountain Creamy (MD) https://southmountaincreamery.com/
3rd Stop: Misty Mountain Creamy (MD) http://www.mistymeadowsfarmcreamery.com/
Start Point: Pinecliff Park
8350 Pinecliff Park Rd, Frederick, Md
Driver’s Meeting: 1045
Rolling Out: 1100
Rock Point: 1140
Roll Out: 1225
South Mountain: 1255
Roll Out: 1340
Misty Mountain: 1440
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