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3rd Annual DC Metro MINIs Scavenger Hunt to Benefit the Wildlife Rescue League

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  RyanMBlue said:
So my MINI will be packed! Got the wife, my mom, and my sister to join me! Game on! :motor:
Woohoo! I hope they all have a blast! 4 people crammed into one MINI... that should create some interesting post-hunt stories. Chinese fire drill, anybody? :biggrin:

"Mr. OEM" - 05 JCW (TK, GPIC, SS, GPTA, R56 RSB, StBr, R56 BBK, GPWhls, SV, RS, R56 GSI, IES, StrWhl, GK, HG, LBIT) MCS, HB/HB, Packs: 1, 2, 3 & 4. LSD, Rear FL, LB/PB upholstery (inc. LB SB & HB), HB Int, Anth. HL, PDC, Nav. OEM: DPSM+Aux, SIRIUS, BT, RV Cam, Aux gauges, ILK, Alarm, AK, PFM, DL, SpLnk, CFD, CSL, BIW, R52 diag rods, EuroTL, EuroWT, EPS, EASM. AM: IanCullAUC, Intravee+KCA420i, SchrothR4, MM-STR.

License Plate: SUV2BIG MotoringID: CARVE129




:highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:




Who's excited about this? ME!!!!!!!!!!





:highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:





OMGosh that makes my stomach ache!



Can I add one more car to the list? My father owns a 2011 Corvette, and while it isn't MINI, he'd love to take the t-top off and cruise along if we'll let him! Not a member, but will definitely pay the donation! :top:

2011 Clubman S - LzB/Black "Clubby"

Go Wahoos!


Saving Second Base, One Mile at a Time! (Round #3, May 2014) http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/MShoe

  wahoo_shoe said:
Can I add one more car to the list? My father owns a 2011 Corvette, and while it isn't MINI, he'd love to take the t-top off and cruise along if we'll let him! Not a member, but will definitely pay the donation! :top:


Absolutely!! Just update your RSVP to reflect the correct number of people. :)


Just to be clear, EVERYONE is welcome - whether or not they are a member and whether or not they drive a MINI.



Not sure where I should put this, but I was wondering if anyone wanted to meet up and get a car wash in before tomorrow morning's event? I could go tonight (I'll have to kick my roommate's car out of the way so I can garage it over night :tongue:) or even in the morning.


I asked about DIY bays, and there seems to be a small handful around here


The easiest would probably be either the base, the Fairfax bays, or the Exxon hose


I have all the stuff I need and a bucket, but no source of water in my Arlington rental!

2011 Clubman S - LzB/Black "Clubby"

Go Wahoos!


Saving Second Base, One Mile at a Time! (Round #3, May 2014) http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/MShoe

  wahoo_shoe said:
Not sure where I should put this, but I was wondering if anyone wanted to meet up and get a car wash in before tomorrow morning's event? I could go tonight (I'll have to kick my roommate's car out of the way so I can garage it over night :tongue:) or even in the morning.


I asked about DIY bays, and there seems to be a small handful around here


The easiest would probably be either the base, the Fairfax bays, or the Exxon hose


I have all the stuff I need and a bucket, but no source of water in my Arlington rental!



The Exxon is about 3 miles from Passport but can get kind of busy. I live about a half a mile from the Exxon so if you want to PM me, you're welcome to come by and use our hose to wash your car.

Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman



Laura offered a hose as well, although I'd feel terrible just sucking water from someone :frown: Lola's mom informed me about Ft Myer's wash bays, I may go check it out tonight. If that idea fails, either Clubby goes dirty or I take one of you up on your offer. Thanks so much!


My dad is spending his lunch washing his car, so I can't let a big bad corvette outshine Clubby. He's always the brunt of the joke around the family holiday dinners :biggrin:

2011 Clubman S - LzB/Black "Clubby"

Go Wahoos!


Saving Second Base, One Mile at a Time! (Round #3, May 2014) http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/MShoe


I'll be washing my MINI tonight outside my house in Ashburn, if anyone wants to come by and borrow a hose/bucket/cleaning stuff, feel free to PM me, or post in here!


See you all tomorrow morning!



I've had a couple of people pay the $15 via Paypal already. If anyone else would like to do that, please send the payment to payments@dcmetrominis.org and make sure you say that it's for the scavenger hunt.


It's ok to pay tomorrow, too. Cash or credit card (Visa or Mastercard only), though.


  wahoo_shoe said:
Car is all washed! Thanks to those who offered a hose! I ended up being able to get onto Ft Myer and used their DIY bay. Turned out pretty well! Looking forward to tomorrow!!


Can anyone go onto Ft Myer or do you need to be military?

Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman


  TGGRRR said:
Can anyone go onto Ft Myer or do you need to be military?


You can go Ali, you are a Gov'y now!


I can get on with my Contractor CAC. He he he!


2009 MCS, HzB/B, CWP, PP, "BLUR" MOTORING ID: SOAR143 - MINI Community Service

2013 JCW GP, Thunder Grey, "SMOKIE" MOTORING ID: FAST060

2014 MCS Clubman, Highclass Gray, "THE ADMIRAL" 

  HzBBlur said:
You can go Ali, you are a Gov'y now!


I can get on with my Contractor CAC. He he he!



Woo Hooo that badge had to come in useful for something. Let's go!

Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman



The winners are:


1st: "Living on the Edge" (Haemish and Jen)

2nd: "Team McVeay" (Craig and Lona)

3rd: "Team Corvette" (Melissa-WahooShoe's- parents)


We also raised approximately $500 for the Wildlife Rescue League!


Thank you to everyone who participated and/or donated!!


  GreenCactus said:
The winners are:


1st: "Living on the Edge" (Haemish and Jen)

2nd: "Team McVeay" (Craig and Lona)

3rd: "Team Corvette" (Melissa-WahooShoe's- parents)


We also raised approximately $500 for the Wildlife Rescue League!


Thank you to everyone who participated and/or donated!!


Any chance you can post all the scores? I am curious as to what we got :p



Here are the full results:


Living on the Edge - 48 points

Team McVeay - 47 points

Team Corvette - 45 points

MINIBEE - 41 points

Dead Broken Camera - 36 points

Clubby - 34 points

Gotta Beat Haemish - 33 points

Newlyweds - 25 points

B & J - 22 points

BB Coopers - 20 points


The exact amount raised was $418.


Thanks to everyone who participated/donated!!


I'm really sorry we were outside at Public House. There was some miscommunication between the staff and the owner. They really should not have taken our reservation for the same time as a soccer game.


The format of 1 point per clue made the scoring MUCH faster than the past two years. Is this a format you like or did you prefer the clues being worth different points depending on their difficulty/location?



I think my Red Velvet find was worth 2 points :tongue: I liked the single points though, it evens it out since some finds were pure random (aka, I'm sitting at a light in DC lost, look over and go "MINI!" and then go "HOLY CRAP RED VELVET! MINI!". Too bad it was in total disrepair, missing a fender, etc etc)


The only suggestion would be mind any road closures in DC that could occur and judge hints accordingly. There was only one on Saturday, but if you did it on an event weekend with a major event down there, you could run into headaches on the mall.


I did learn all sorts of new landmarks though! Buffalo bridge was a new one for sure, despite being on rock creek all the time...

2011 Clubman S - LzB/Black "Clubby"

Go Wahoos!


Saving Second Base, One Mile at a Time! (Round #3, May 2014) http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/MShoe

  wahoo_shoe said:
The only suggestion would be mind any road closures in DC that could occur and judge hints accordingly. There was only one on Saturday, but if you did it on an event weekend with a major event down there, you could run into headaches on the mall.




I actually do keep that in mind. I had a bunch of clues I wanted to use, but didn't because there was an air show at Andrews AFB. It would be a big mess if it was one of the weekends where there was a marathon or something.


  GreenCactus said:

The format of 1 point per clue made the scoring MUCH faster than the past two years. Is this a format you like or did you prefer the clues being worth different points depending on their difficulty/location?


I haven't done it other than this year, so I am not sure how the other scoring went.


I do know, however, that clues like "Your MINI at Mach V" or "Frying Pan Road sign" seem like nothing but a giant trap if it is worth the same as all other clues. Some form of distance should be taken into account if you want people to try to get more of the obscure clues :p


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