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Everything posted by STXMINI

  1. We have a date! Saturday January 15th at 6:00 pm Our Club Holiday party will be hosted by Corey & Brandy. 2 William Albert Way Lovettsville, VA 20180 This will be a POT LUCK, please let us know whatcha cookin' when you RSVP (Which will come a bit later this month). DCMM will provide the drinks. There will also be a White Elephant gift exchange, so now's the time to get rid of that ugly, I mean adorable scarf Aunt Betty knit for you!
  2. Event Title: POSTPONED: Post Holiday Holiday Party Event Date: 01/15/2022 06:00 PM Event Address: THIS EVENT IS BEING POSTPONED It’s time to bring back the DCMM post-holiday party. We have all survived our relatives but are not ready to let the Holidays end. Come join your fellow MINIacs to catchup on the winter projects we have completed, those we haven't got to yet, and what MINI goals we all have for the new year. We will be having a Potluck for everyone to show off the culinary skills, along with a white elephant gift exchange. Nothing starts the new year off on the right foot like stealing gifts from your fellow MINIacs. Where: Corey and Brandy's house at 2 William Albert Way Lovettsville, VA 20180. The direct route (Waze/ google maps) has nice roads, but we will post a fun twistie route to get there soon for those that would like to get a fun drive in on the way. Parking: The house in on a non-through road so there is plenty of curb parking with no traffic to worry about. Food: As is our tradition, this will be a Potluck event. Please post what you will be bringing so we can ensure there's a wide variety. Beverages: We'll have a variety of non-alcoholic beverages available. If you prefer to partake of adult/intoxicating beverages, please BYOB and plan on having a DD. Gift Exchange: For those interested in participating, there will be a White Elephant gift exchange. (Limit gifts to no more than $25.00.) Questions? Volunteers to set up and/or clean up? Please PM or email anyone on the board. RSVP on the event here:
  3. THIS EVENT IS BEING POSTPONED It’s time to bring back the DCMM post-holiday party. We have all survived our relatives but are not ready to let the Holidays end. Come join your fellow MINIacs to catchup on the winter projects we have completed, those we haven't got to yet, and what MINI goals we all have for the new year. We will be having a Potluck for everyone to show off the culinary skills, along with a white elephant gift exchange. Nothing starts the new year off on the right foot like stealing gifts from your fellow MINIacs. Where: Corey and Brandy's house at 2 William Albert Way Lovettsville, VA 20180. The direct route (Waze/ google maps) has nice roads, but we will post a fun twistie route to get there soon for those that would like to get a fun drive in on the way. Parking: The house in on a non-through road so there is plenty of curb parking with no traffic to worry about. Food: As is our tradition, this will be a Potluck event. Please post what you will be bringing so we can ensure there's a wide variety. Beverages: We'll have a variety of non-alcoholic beverages available. If you prefer to partake of adult/intoxicating beverages, please BYOB and plan on having a DD. Gift Exchange: For those interested in participating, there will be a White Elephant gift exchange. (Limit gifts to no more than $25.00.) Questions? Volunteers to set up and/or clean up? Please PM or email anyone on the board.
  4. Odds and Ends Detailing November 23, 2021 (703) 675-8819 Located in Sterling VA Dedicated to the Cosmetic Improvement of your Vehicle Upscale and High End Detailing, Cleaning, and Rejuvenation of fine Automobiles as well as Retail Sales of Polishes, Cleaners, Microfiber products and other cleaning supplies. 10% off all products and services for DCMM Members oddsandendsdetailing.com
  5. GT Peace Auto November 16, 2021 (703) 570-5488 In business since 1985 they are a go to shop for maintenance, repair or diagnostics for all of your autos, but here's what they say about working on MINIs: "We are specially trained and experienced in all MINI repairs and maintenance. The dealership-level services we perform make us a preferred alternative. Our exceptional customer service, specialized attention, and knowledge of MINI services make us a better choice." 10% off of parts and labor *Non performance parts Group buy services such as carbon cleaning @$399 and 1/2 price State inspections. https://gtpeaceauto.com/mini/
  6. P Tuning November 9, 2021: A locally owned, fully authorized and licensed business in Manassas VA, they are your, "Premier speciality performance, OEM, aftermarket, and full service repair shop." They are passionate about helping you to achieve the desired performace that you want for your MINI, or any other car you may own! Your exclusive discount as part of your membership: 5% off of performance parts up to $75. 10% off labor up to $150 off. *Excludes dyno related services Let them know that you are a member at DCMM when making the appointment and remember to bring your membership card!
  7. We will highlight the additional information and discounts from the vendor spotlight on Facebook and Instagram here
  8. Great photos Sarah, thanks for sharing, I'm sorry we missed this one, looks like it was a great day!
  9. @twakefield Where do you want to cap the attendees at Tom?
  10. We are at a wedding in Detroit that weekend, otherwise we wouldn't miss it. Have fun friends!
  11. Hey! Welcome to DC Metro MINIs Luke.


    We're happy you signed up. We hope to be able to meet you soon at an event. In the meantime if you have any questions please let us know.

  12. @tpomalley Looks like they don't plan on a second run
  13. It looks like more people want to join this run. Is it possible to have a second run?
  14. Well Walter is the cutest, isn't he?
  15. Hi DB, while this is not a DCMM sponsored event it looks like there is some interest by other members for this. We are thinking of meeting somewhere and driving together to St. Michael’s. Let us know if you’re interested in that.
  16. Love St Michael’s, this looks like a fun event!
  17. Wow, what a story! Love the dedication to the MINI brand. Glad you found the true spirit of MINI ownership, the car that wants yo drive! Looking forward to meeting you and “Honey”
  18. The only thing that would keep me from going to a pumpkin/pork/and pie run (3 of life's favorite things) would be if the All Blacks came to Fed Ex field to play Team USA. Not that that would ever happen... oh, wait.... RUGBY TIME! Sorry we'll miss this one friends.
  19. Weird, at some point a place called the Ladder House in WV was listed as the lunch stop but now it's gone from the detail post. Mike and I are grabbing some sandwich stuff at the Brunswick Weis stop for a picnic at the lunch stop since it's going to be such a nice day.
  20. Lorri & Mike will be going to Breaux
  21. I love the way this came out. Great tribute to our fallen heroes.
  22. Niiiiice! As a fellow (Fairly) new MINI mid life crisis owner myself, I bid you a fond welcome! We hope you can make it out to some of the runs to learn what the MINI lifestyle is all about. Fun with your fellow MINI friends and lots of outstanding driving in the most fun car in the World!
  23. You've done so many amazing things to your MINI! It's looking great! (My favorite is the roof graphic)
  24. Hmmm, I thought I posted this video last week. Let me try it again. It's my first attempt at making a GoPro video so... MINIS_TAKE__THE_TRACK.mp4
  25. Ugh, we're supposed to be at a wedding on that day. SAD FACE!!
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