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Everything posted by osofast10

  1. got two wave... one yesterday from a blue R56 - 5th btle i think was the plates and this morning on the way to work, a Green Clubman S:motor::rock: who had a DCMM sign on the side window... :wavey: hello to both!
  2. Love it! Looks awesome
  3. Carl: where should I pick them up
  4. i'll pick up the second set :rock:
  5. Thanks everyone... so far not to bad with the brake dust and road crap... so maybe i'll leave them white,.,, we shall see
  6. Thanks PlastiDip for now, i want to see how hard it will be to keep clean... Thanks
  7. a little update... lol.. nothing major... change rim color added a few things here and there...
  8. UGH... this would be perfect....if only i knew how to paint... lol
  9. i just use the cup holder :rock::rofl:
  10. PTUNING did my suspension and I couldn't be happier
  11. just about everyday i see a r56 red mini with white top, on 495 near the 270 split... i try to wave every time... if you are on here... Hello
  12. WHOA... wasting no time.... question for you 1. How hard is the seat swap? on another note... GREAT job... car is looking DOPE:congrats:
  13. looks good! good luck with the sale... i doubt the wife would approve of 3 wheels in the garage..lol.. if not i would have grabbed these
  14. welcome and will be following this... did you put any adjustable control arms? and i LOVE your rims... would love to do that to my wheels..:congrats:
  15. UGH... nevermind....just talked to my buddy and he just sold his... Sorry... will keep an eye out though
  16. I hate when i roll up next to a mini and i'm all like :wavey::top::motor: and they are all like :stupid::afraid:... why you no wave back:dontknow:
  17. well my car is up for a few maintenance item... my brake light senor went on so i need to take car of that. What would everyone suggest? Live in springfield and will to go just about anywhere, even drop off the car for a couple of days as i have a spare car. Just want to go somewhere that people trust. so DCMM.... where should i take my car to get stuff done:top:
  18. I was in the back seat but it was a BMW 5 series. I'm driving into DC today for a meeting so I'll be on the look out
  19. and yes i know it's a CRAP picture... lol:banghead::rofl:
  20. I found you... but couldn't :wavey: because i was slugging into the Pentagon and i'm sure the drive would have given me the :stupid: look Hi Ali
  21. can you post a pic... and i;ll take the fish if he needs a home i have 2 bumblebee African cichlid in my tank now
  22. I did sell it! Some guy on CL got it for the angel fish
  23. Thank you!!!!
  24. Thank you!:motor::top:
  25. Sadly I am Jorge
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