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Everything posted by osofast10

  1. i never put my car in the garage... don't want her to think she too pretty to get dirty:rock::rofl::rofl::rofl::laugh::laugh::laugh:
  2. Sorry about the lost, but please let us know, i could swing by and look for parts. BTW off-subject, but love what you did to the hood, have any more pictures?
  3. I always wave but have yet to get a wave back. I thought there would be lots of minis in the fairfax area... If I see anyone I always wave
  4. thank you... i keep wanting to sign up and always something comes up... well i guess i'm finally signed up. :rock: if anyone every see a red R53 with the plates osofast give a wave:wavey:
  5. I have an extra set with tps sensors I cN let go for ChEAP
  6. Yeah only the yellow one. Not gonna lie , the show was kind of a bust for me
  7. and i'll say it now... sorry i didn't take that many mini pictures... my phone was just about dead when i got there... all i got was the brand new mini and that's it...
  8. how about that one?
  9. Was at the DC auto show last night for press day... If you want to see some pics here is my link https://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10101175452321287.1073741830.36604039&type=1
  10. I'm right near huntsman squares.
  11. man i never see any minis and when i do i wave and get the :stupid: look back....
  12. Wow you weren't kidding.... Lol that's awesome
  13. Cambo any pics of your interior
  14. SOLD!!!:top::rock: will be joining tonight :congrats: i best get some cookies:thrasher::rofl::rofl:
  15. i, my friend, have to join then:top:
  16. no and no... please explain... i hear tag them and i think of spraypaint:rofl:
  17. i'm basically at the Verizon center, 6 and E i think...
  18. who are you???? I went down during lunch to grab somehting from my red mini and see this!!! i got to work before you but you must work in my building or close to it... you mini looked nice... super jealous of the snow shoes:motor:
  19. if for whatever the case they can't do it, i'll do it i work a few block from there. :rock: OT: how come i never see any freaking Mini when i'm at work?!!??!:motor::banghead:
  20. Thinking about installing my exhaust tomorrow morning ... Only issue is I have no lift or jack stands. Anyone wanna help out??? I can provide beer and breakfast or I can meet someone at a better location.
  21. Exhaust is here should be installed this weekend. But for the time being here are some fun pics
  22. and I got a big box in the mail.... now to find time to install my exhaust....:rock::rock::banghead::motor:
  23. I see a few mini coopers at my park ride in the sydenstricker lot...never see the drivers just the cars:wavey: today was a nice blue S with rims
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