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Everything posted by ErinKC

  1. Sooooo, just called Fontana to see if I had moved from 2nd to 1st on the waiting list for a 3 or 4 bed cabin. Yeahhhhhh, he was like "Oh I don't know who told you you were 2nd on the list before, you are 23rd". 6 months ago when I called I was 2nd. GRRRRRRRRR
  2. Ummm duh, check your email every once in a while
  3. DRAGON BRAIN!!!! I have had it already for the past two months....come on new year....come on 2014. Dragondragondragondragondragondragon....
  4. Yeah, I was just curious. It's not something at the top of my mod list at the moment. Would much rather have the CAI and the new exhaust for MOTD and MTTS.
  5. Yeah, that is pretty much the same end I have come to. I drive her gingerly in the morning to work as it's not that far and I know she isn't properly warmed up even by the time I get there. I did see this thing about a Key bypass module. Does this do anything to get around the key thing? http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/390702038427?lpid=82
  6. So, have we figured out if you can do this on the cars with the key fobs? On NAM I'm reading that MINI itself is saying no go bc it needs the key fob to communicate with. But, that there is a work around and that will void the warranty. I mean, I know I'm a wimp, but I don't like having to drive right out to work before Tycoon is warmed up. I feel bad for the girl.
  7. So, I may have scared a brand new MINI owner today at Target. She was sitting in her brand new hardtop, probably just out from Passport, and I knocked on her window and gave her a card. I realized later she was reading her owners manual.
  8. Oh!! He is on the Countryman group on facebook. There is this really awesome picture of him in front of a spooky house on the page. But here is a bunch of MINIs decked out like the gb mobile. http://www.gbfans.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=31818
  9. So I was standing in the SecDef's office today and he turns to me and goes "hey Erin, were you on the Beltway on Sunday with all those MINIs? You raised money for Veterans right? I heard you guys on the radio." Me: "Yes Sir I was, we raised over two thousand dollars" Hahaha, I was so caught off guard. Everyone knows about my MINI obsession, and how awesome is it that he heard about MINIs take the Beltway!!!! :top::wavey:
  10. Wow, thanks guys!! All great info. Craig and Chris, you have done this before haven't you? Obviously I know not on a countryman, but it must be similar. How long do you think it will take?
  11. I don't think the one on Ft. Myer closes for winter. I've been there washing salt off in the winter.
  12. I didn't realize that they have lifts. Is there a shop on Ft. Myer?
  13. Sooo, I'm hijacking the thread, because I need help with this as well. Didn't realize that you have to drop the exhaust to install. Perhaps after I order my CAI someone is willing to help me all in one day?? :joyman:
  14. It was an all around great day despite the bit of gravel and a few mishaps. I think we all really came together. And hey, that gravel road may have helped catch a criminal in the long run! Thanks for the preemptive finger print dust Tyler!!!
  15. Lookie Lookie!!!
  16. I'm thinking maybe I can get a costume together tonight. What do you guys think of the Tycoon being the Monopoly Man?
  17. I like Don Pablos better than Hops.....so have we made a choice on dinner???
  18. I love Rustico. Del Ray isn't bad if you park on the side streets.
  19. Del Ray and Shirlington are both close to Potomac Yard for dining options......
  20. Heya Miniacs. So my coworker got off the metro yesterday only to find that his dodge was not where he parked it. I figured that since we are always driving around we could keep an eye our for it. He is an active duty Marine Sergeant who just paid the car off :banghead: Here is the link to his craigslist post about it. http://baltimore.craigslist.org/laf/4064478323.html
  21. I saw a really great little British Racing Green convertible with white stripes and the plate said AUSSIE1 :wavey:
  22. No, his name is winky!!!!
  23. Oh man, I love it. Wish I had some extra cash just laying around :burnout:
  24. Man, no one EVER waves back at me......I passed 3 mini's on Arlington Ridge Road just this morning and no luck....
  25. May have tagged one of our own. Jasen Hicks' GP today in south parking. I couldn't tell if it was his or if it was a random GP just running around the Pentagon. It had temp tags on. But hey, recycle the card if it was you Jasen! :hahaha::laugh:
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