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Everything posted by RDG_RCR

  1. LOL, I made it to work in record time (with traffic)!
  2. uugghh....back at work Visions of Dragons still dancing in my head.
  3. That goes for me also...even though I didn't get any stickers:frown:
  4. Wow, another winner from DCMM! Congrats!
  5. Our little group got back around 6:00. Would have been sooner but 95 was 95. Uploading photos and video now.
  6. Why does everything have to be going crazy at work when I leave in a few hours!?!?!
  7. I'm really surprised! It's not too late for you to attend though, we leave tonight! Just drop what you are doing and lets go!!
  8. It's so dead around here already! Safe travels to everyone getting on the road today. Even though we leave tomorrow night it feels like forever:banghead:
  9. Yeah, we arent leaving till dinner time on Wednesday. Should arrive mid/late morning Thursday. We are all either military or work for the Govt, so all of us getting the time off is tough.
  10. I hope I can survive these next 3 days of work...FML
  11. Jealous of all you guys!! Drive away all the rain so it will be dry when we get there.
  12. Did you finish the car yet?
  13. The mini Cooper sandwich was great as was the shepards pie. The prices were good and the service was fast and very helpful. I really have nothing negative to say!
  14. You should just go! Other then gas and food it should be really cheap! I'm sure you can find someone who is looking to share a space/couch/extra bed for next to nothing. I bet you can easily do the trip for under $300, heck we use to a few years ago.
  15. You are really missin out!
  16. Remember to stay in your lane!
  17. Here, have a sloth, it's on me.
  18. 6 days
  19. :hmpf::hmpf::hmpf::motz::motz::argh::argh: :damnmate: :damnmate: :highfive:
  20. LOL, I can't see them at work either! It's a good one though!
  21. haha, I wish, it was hard enough to get the time off in the first place. Now we have our Spring report due around that time, so it's going to make it even more fun.
  22. sigh... 8 days
  23. You didn't drive!?!? :stupid: Damn, Rigsby is such a damn good name!
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