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Everything posted by RDG_RCR

  1. hmm....very tempting, let me get back to you one this...
  2. LOL, I think we know. Besides we don't have parking for another car, so supercharger it is!
  3. hmm... ring or classic.....ring or classic...or supercharger.....
  5. I just checked the hyperfest site and the karting registration is at 100% all 18 teams have signed up and 17 of them will have to compete for 2nd place!!
  6. Everyone go to the meet and greet and then caravan to Hyper-fest!
  7. hmm.... impromptu MINI (and 1 lotus) meet!?!?!?
  8. I want to go there!
  9. Ohh, I love a good sheetz, that works for me. The gates at hyperfest open at 9:30, considering I will be there until 10pm + I'm not set on getting there as soon as the gates open. Meet up at sheetz at 10:00 and leave by 10:30am? This should put us at Summit roughly 11:15 or so.
  10. I'll meet up with you, do you know a good meeting spot in Leesburg? I'm not too familiar with the area. When we get a spot I'll add it to the original post and we can have a meet up and roll out time for everyone caravaning to Summit.
  11. Awesome, let me know, we can caravan up there!
  12. Awesome I'll see you there! Great job yesterday! You picked it up really fast and got better each run. I need your composure!
  13. I'll see everyone bright and early! Tech opens at 8am and closes at 845. It's going to be a hot one, so bring a hat and plenty of sun screen!!
  14. Congrats! Great buy and welcome to the forum!
  15. I just checked the website to see if they had any new info (team names and such) they didn't, but they did increase the field from 15 to 18 teams with only 1 spot remaining. So if anyone else is interested in creating a team do it soon!
  16. Ok, CDC has closed registration, there are usually a few no shows so they sometimes allow walk-ons. So far the MINIs in attendence are: 2012 Coupe (Marina) 2012 JCW hard top (event organizer) 2007 Cooper S hard top (?) 2012 Cooper S hard top (George) 2004 Cooper S hard top (?) 2009 JCW hard top (Mark) If everyone shows up that is probably the most MINIs I've seen at a CDC event. There is also a Ferrari 430 signed up.
  17. That's awesome!
  18. That would be awesome! Also if anyone has a nintendo DS we have two of MarioKart if you think you can take us (Sara and I).
  19. LOL, thats 2! If we can get Chris and David to agree then I think we have our race uniform. Also, anyone else who wants to represent the mushroom kingdom is welcome to join us!
  20. Who's down!??! http://www.partycity.com/product/adult+mario+costume+-+super+mario+brothers.do
  21. Thanks again Justin, it was cool hangin with the Ptuning crew.
  22. No problem at all!
  23. I saw a Mark on there, I figured it was him, but wasn't sure.
  24. I see that we have a few more MINIs signed up on the roster. Not sure if they are part of DCMM though. Is there a DCMM banner we can use? It would be cool to set up a "paddock".
  25. Just got confirmation that Duane can't make it, So Chiquita it's yours if you want it!
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