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Everything posted by wahoo_shoe

  1. I did the 5 sets of 10 last time I was there and liked it a lot. It gave you enough laps to get into it, but 5 runs gave you enough time to breathe in between and get a strategy :top:
  2. I just dropped my check in the mail for 2, will probably send another check for a third but I don't have his money yet. So you're 1/2 way to the extra 4 :top:
  3. What about showing their silhouettes in the shape of a twisty up the front (or back?) of the shirt, with the details of the event on the other side
  4. I designed shirts for a kickball team and everyone wanted something "bright". They got neon/radioactive green/yellow. You could see them a mile away in the dark. Careful what you ask for
  5. Thanks so much! PM me your address when you get a chance! Also, maybe Tigger should have gone pink: http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/general-mini-talk/162764-delta-airlines-pink-mini.html
  6. until
    <p>Hi all!</p> <p>This isn't an official DCMM event but I was told I could post it for anyone interested.</p> <p> </p> <p>I'm walking (no motoring!) 39.3 mi in May for the Avon Breast Cancer walk, right here in lovely DC. I'm walking to celebrate my mom hitting 15-years cancer free (woot!) and to spread awareness about her rare type of cancer, Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Early detection and her doctor's awareness of the disease saved her life and Avon's mission is to provide these programs to the DC area. </p> <p> </p> <p>As part of the walk, I have a fundraiser goal of $1800. I'm holding this raffle as a fundraiser event to help me get to $1800, as I think giving is part of receiving and it's a fun way to raise money, help local businesses see some action, and for participants to win something great.</p> <p> </p> <p>Prizes currently include area restaurant gift cards, a spa gift card, G'town Cupcake gift cards (2!), local brewery goodies, and last but not least, <strong>6</strong>, yes 6, Prima gift bags to treat your MINI with! :top: There's some other prizes hopefully in the works, I'm aiming for about 15-20 so that a good majority of people have a shot at something great. I'm working on some MINI swag too </p> <p> </p> <p>If anyone wants to come out, it will be at Jimmy's Old Town Tavern in Herndon. Obviously bar/food starts whenever, and I will probably start raffling off around 7 and then again at 8 so that it gives people time to arrive, but won't hold up those with kiddies. If anyone wants to come out, there's plenty of parking for the cars across the street, an ATM across the street, good times to be had, and great prizes to be won </p> <p> </p> <p>Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks in advance to those that come!</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Jimmy's Old Town Tavern</span></strong></p> <p>697 Spring Street Herndon, VA 20170</p> <p>(703) 435-5467</p> <p><a href="http://tinyurl.com/awztb5a" rel="external nofollow">http://tinyurl.com/awztb5a</a> << Google Map :motor:</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/MShoe" rel="external nofollow">Saving Second Base, One Mile at a Time</a></p>
  7. Hi all! This isn't an official DCMM event but I was told I could post it for anyone interested. I'm walking (no motoring!) 39.3 mi in May for the Avon Breast Cancer walk, right here in lovely DC. I'm walking to celebrate my mom hitting 15-years cancer free (woot!) and to spread awareness about her rare type of cancer, Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Early detection and her doctor's awareness of the disease saved her life and Avon's mission is to provide these programs to the DC area. As part of the walk, I have a fundraiser goal of $1800. I'm holding this raffle as a fundraiser event to help me get to $1800, as I think giving is part of receiving and it's a fun way to raise money, help local businesses see some action, and for participants to win something great. Prizes currently include area restaurant gift cards, a spa gift card, G'town Cupcake gift cards (2!), local brewery goodies, and last but not least, 6, yes 6, Prima gift bags to treat your MINI with! :top: There's some other prizes hopefully in the works, I'm aiming for about 15-20 so that a good majority of people have a shot at something great. I'm working on some MINI swag too If anyone wants to come out, it will be at Jimmy's Old Town Tavern in Herndon. Obviously bar/food starts whenever, and I will probably start raffling off around 7 and then again at 8 so that it gives people time to arrive, but won't hold up those with kiddies. If anyone wants to come out, there's plenty of parking for the cars across the street, an ATM across the street, good times to be had, and great prizes to be won Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks in advance to those that come! Jimmy's Old Town Tavern 697 Spring Street Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 435-5467 http://tinyurl.com/awztb5a << Google Map :motor: Saving Second Base, One Mile at a Time
  8. You could also swing the "when you replaced my Aux, something went wrong in my Main". When they did the work on mine, they cautioned me to watch my warning lights to make sure everything was working correctly. They replace a motherboard-type part and that can go screwy. The technicians at MINI of Sterling are super friendly, you just need to squeeze your way into talking with them
  9. You could also swing the "when you replaced my Aux, something went wrong in my Main". When they did the work on mine, they cautioned me to watch my warning lights to make sure everything was working correctly. They replace a motherboard-type part and that can go screwy. The technicians at MINI of Sterling are super friendly, you just need to squeeze your way into talking with them
  10. I had my entire weekend planned around this, thinking it was Sunday :embarassed: I don't know what happened, whatsoever, it was in my phone for Sunday and I just always stuck with it. Wish I had continued reading the threads for the rest of the day, could've picked up some chips and salsa at 5 and wrapped my gift in the baby shower wrapping paper in my backseat. Le sigh...I do have a membership check written still though!
  11. I'm in Arlington and scheduled a dinner with my parents tonight since my calendar had this for tomorrow night. I don't even know how I messed the dates up. sigh. Sorry guys, but I guess tomorrow won't be spent cooking for this
  12. Wait...this happened tonight??? I thought it was Sunday!! I even came home tonight and put a 6-pack I had picked up in the fridge to get cold Uuuuggggghhhhhhh I had been looking forward to this/my gift. :banghead:
  13. I just spit out my beer everywhere. Thanks :rofl:
  14. Dangit, didn't see that. No, just a recipe I've used a few times. Back to the drawing board
  15. Great! I may bring chicken or pork BBQ and mini buns, BBQ does better overall on low in a slow cooker for parties. I may have some red Solo cups laying around, ill bring them if I find them
  16. If it makes you feel better I may try to master a new crock pot recipe :stupid: I assume there will be outlets for said crockpot devices, yes?
  17. FYI, if you live in the Gainesville/Manassas/Woodbridge area, check out the VRE. You may be able to use the VRE and then a bus..
  18. Do we have general prices?
  19. We put a flag on figuring it would maybe clue a few in, but yes, I got a lot of "uh, what?"-looks. Ohwell, I had a great time on that overpass as everyone whizzed by! I have a MINI and DCMM tee, but decided to wear a vest to not freeze.
  20. Thanks all for having me despite being MINI-less due to a snafu that morning. I have lots of pictures I took (I was that crazy lady leaning out of the blue Cobalt and then standing on a 495 overpass) but had a wedding yesterday afternoon/evening so I didn't get a chance to get them off my camera. I'll work on doing that sometime this week or this weekend and will post as soon as I can :top:
  21. wahoo_shoe

    Group Tint

    Hopefully I speak for everyone when I say that yesterday was a wild success! While we weathered falling acorns on a beautiful afternoon, Carlos got to work on our cars and made record time (did Clubby's 7 windows in about an hour!). I know I'm in love with the job and highly recommend him to others. :top:
  22. wahoo_shoe

    Group Tint

    Excited for tomorrow! I'll bring something for a breakfasty snack. Hopefully the showers hold off!
  23. wahoo_shoe

    Group Tint

    I'm in. I'll show up early, but need to leave soon after to get to my parents' house to help them out for the afternoon/rest of the weekend. I'm still waffling about doing 50 front/35 rears, or just going 35% all around. Grr
  24. I'm in, will have a co-pilot as well. I'll ask around for some raffle prizes. Edit: crap, my cousin's wedding is that afternoon/evening. I definitely couldn't stay all the way till 2, but I'll at least come for the drive and maybe buy some raffle tickets. I'll still try for some prizes, although they may be all Arlington businesses =P
  25. Everyone start drinking their water and eating their red meat/spinach!
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