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Everything posted by cameroon

  1. I'm waiting anxiously for some pics since I couldn't be there
  2. Was that EB R53 last Saturday (4/25)? If so, I bet that was acetonic after the Spring Fling run Saw a MD tagged R53 with an orange color that I've never seen before in the DSW parking lot by Bailey's Crossing this morning (5/3).
  3. Didn't get nearly as many as acetonic, but his "hand out the sunroof" shots have spurred me to finally replace the battery on my pocket camera. Anyway, here are a few more from the Philomont Volunteer Fire Dept. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_SRcrXwEDJMo
  4. Thanks to mty_mini for the original route and Edge for the adaptations and leading it today. Had a great time, crazy truck driver that wanted to kill me and all I didn't get a lot of pictures, but what I did get I'll try to make available tonight
  5. Thanks for the invite and I very much wish I could go (stuck on call). Hope you get a good turnout of Minis and hope I can get to some of your events in the future!
  6. Looking forward to it!
  7. Wish I could have come, but I was acting as a sick animal ambulance all morning for a friend's cat Tricia (she should be fine).
  8. Well, I asked Rob for curiosity's sake and you were off by about 5k They do have the designs/kits though, so feel free to call him up - I'm sure he'd be happy to do it Just wanted to say that Rob took great care of me and another guy (Larry, who lives out my way; I'm trying to get him into the club ) He let me wash the front of my car at his shop and offered to let me use his cleaning stuff if I needed it.
  9. Thanks, though
  10. For those of us that are new, any recommendation for two-way? I'm assuming some sort of FRS.
  11. Oh I'm convinced of the value, but it's still painful I've got an install scheduled with Rob for Friday. He's been super responsive to a boatload of questions I had and he sort of tried to talk me out of the full bonnet.
  12. He's been very responsive to my questions, which is a great sign. Just wish the product was, in general, not quite so expensive. Definitely going to delay the purchase of some other things (like wheels & tires for autox).
  13. I bet that'd be fairly close given the quotes I'm getting for doing the full front (1200 - 1400). Speaking of covering up imperfections, found a rock chip. *sigh* Time to get the touch up paint. Oh yeah, and the clear bra
  14. Don't worry, I've got that covered. As long as the film goes to the panel edges, there won't be a line for me to obsess over I may ask about it just for curiosity's sake though.
  15. Yes, yes it is From a cost perspective, I would definitely rather not cover the whole bonnet. But then I'd be driven nuts by the line and eventually get it redone to get ride of the line anyway.
  16. Thanks for the responses everyone, I'm getting quotes from the vendors recommended here. I can tell my quest to not have a line across the bonnet is going to hurt
  17. I totally wasn't planning on this, but listening to the grit and debris bounce off the front of my car as I drive down the highway has really made me start considering getting some form of protective film for the front. And if I'm going to, now's the time before any damage has a chance to really occur. Has anyone here had that done and would recommend the company? If I do it, it would almost certainly be the full front of the car (don't want even a hint of a line if I can help it). Thanks!
  18. I just need to remember my camera for work and I should have a good entry Are we just posting to the thread with the pic, or sending them to you Maxicooper?
  19. Nice! I'd say that's a pretty good run up from the mornings ;
  20. Sorry you couldn't make it Maxicooper, hope you feel better soon! Some pics from the event. Hopefully Picasa/Google will let me embed a couple here.
  21. Yup, count me in - definitely want in on this
  22. sigh My list of mods to do grows daily...
  23. What he said! I've got a tow hook kit now, but if/when I get the JCW aero kit the Stow & Go seems like a great product.
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