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Everything posted by BRGMC

  1. Good times. Kudos to whoever provided the flags - it not only let people know why we were out there but helped me keep track of the conga line. Plus, made for a cool photo op. http://photos4.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/3/a/3/1/highres_117148
  2. Well, this will make for a simple run sheet
  3. A fun day all around. Thanks, Rab, for tackling the feat of leading so many MINIs. What was the final count, by the way? High rock: The obligatory panorama:
  4. Awesome pictures, Chris! Thanks to Laura for delivering on the brilliant silly hat. :top: MINIs, excellent food, great friends. This is what it's all about.
  5. Awesome job, Chris, for leading 42 MINIs and not losing a single one (this time . Here are a few unique photos: Our fearless leader Taking the long way to The Coz
  6. I am glad I stopped by to check this out. Thanks for lending your passenger seat, Marina. Here are a few pics from Mike's run: http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/ga
  7. Great idea and good info, Chris. Sounds like a perfect excuse to get the photo contests rolling again.
  8. Me too! Also my first. Anyone interested in caravanning down there? I will be leaving Wednesday morning. See you all there!
  9. BRGMC


  10. BRGMC


    From the album: Sig

  11. BRGMC

    sigpic44084 8

    From the album: Sig

  12. BRGMC


    From the album: Sig

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