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Everything posted by VioletDC

  1. The pics are fantastic!
  2. It was great seeing everyone today! I had so much fun! Looking forward to next year already! I'll be on the lookout for you in the wild.
  3. Awesome! Sorry I'm just now seeing this!
  4. Sean at GT Peace asked if I'd mention the PH MINI w/white mirror caps (I think I used to see it when I worked in Fairfax years ago). He has the details for those who may be interested. Shop: 703-956-6499
  5. I bought what I thought was a 'set' of the MINI puddle lights from ebay a few years ago. Well, the pkg. arrived (from China) with only one light (it's still around here somewhere). So, last week, I decided to look for them again and found them on Outmotoring.com. Totally forgetting they come as a set due to past experience, I ordered two (they arrived today). So, I figured I'd give the other set to a fellow MINIac who doesn't have them. First one who pings me and can meet me somewhere in VA (preferably near Herndon), gets them. All I ask is the lucky MINIac to pay it forward. ?
  6. Count me in! They've been my go-to shop for a little while now; great work!
  7. If I don't have 2 work (4 a change), would be happy 2 join in on the fun!
  8. On the way home yesterday, I spotted a PH MCS on Rt. 7 before Leesburg!!! Honked & waved (excitedly) & got a spirited wave back! It's not often we run in2 PH MINIs!
  9. Welcome from me & Scoopie! :wavey: We haven't been able 2 attend any functions in quite awhile, but look 4ward 2 meeting u! BTW, what's your MINI's name?
  10. Does any1 know of a shop that does this 4 MINIs? Preferably in MD/VA? I believe Scoopie (10 yrs old!) needs 2 have it done ... reasonably priced, of course. TIA!
  11. Where does it go?
  12. Very nice pics! :top:
  13. Woo-hoo! Got an enthusiastic :wavey: & a big smile from a guy in a PW Coupe' this am on the Ffx Cnty Pky! Made my day!
  14. Just got my RSVP in! Looking 4ward 2 this! Wooo-hooo!!!
  15. Awesome! Thanks, Ali.
  16. :wavey:
  17. What's the phone #? Can't find them on the web ...
  18. Welcome, Nicholas! Looking 4ward 2 meeting u & your MINI! :wavey: What's your MINI's name?
  19. Welcome 2 DCMM, Brett! :wavey: Looking 4ward 2 meeting u & your MINI! BTW, what's your MINI's name?
  20. Thanks, Laura; I am interested in the chrono pack, tho. Found some1 on FB who can get it 4 me. Once that transaction is done, he'll go ahead & send it 2 some1 else who'll change the LEDs 4 me, and then I'll need 2 have them installed. Ali: U're right. It's not THAT expensive, tho. I can get the chrono pack 4 ~$250, then have 2 have the colors changed (another $250). Thankfully, I don't have 2 have both at the same time. The 'hard' part is finding some1/someplace that'll install them 4 me once they're done. Got idears?
  21. Yes, I know. I don't have the chrono pkg ... yet; was gonna purchase one.
  22. Sorry, y'all ... I found out about the chronos/LEDs from a FB site: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MINI.Bees.LEDs/.
  23. Hey MINIacs! I'm considering the purchase of the 'chrono pkg' gauges 4 Scoopie. Once I get them (after the LEDs are changed), is there any1 here familiar w/swapping from old 2 new? If so, would u consider doing them 4 me and, if so, what would u charge? I'm not gonna get them 'til the end of March/mid-April, so there's plenty of time. TIA!
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