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Everything posted by Mr EZ

  1. Chris. I read that Ali was going to meet Phil Wicks for a possible track day at Summit in June
  2. Thanks for putting it together. I had a blast and agree that we should try to do it in the near future
  3. I say sprint
  4. I just forward the paypal response. Let me know if you don't see it in a while
  5. I'm in Payment just sent
  6. The wrench is mine. I'll stop by next weekend and pick it up. It was blast, great seeing people I hadn't seen in quite a while, and meeting others. Thanks a lot had lots of fun !!!!
  7. Thanks for putting this together it was absolutely great???
  8. I live south, Burke. Shcools are a little better around here. At least around here you have a lot of choices going north. from Manasas you only have 66, which is always jammed no mater what day or hour of the week. My wife uses the slug once in a while and you'd be surprised how effective and safe it is.
  9. I was also hoping that we would get that !!! i was kinda hoping for some of craigs yummy cajun cookin
  10. On the first gen it is the convenience package that does all this things, like opening windows and roof with a third click on the key. Has anyone discovered the parking light???? At night when you turn off the car push your turn signal lever and when u close the door the back and front driving light turns one, depending side you pushed. This helps so that the cars that are coming can see you on the street.
  11. How do i get to the calendar form tapatalk???? Senior moment
  12. I'll be there. Don't know if he can get mine. Any time is fine before or after lunch. I'll email him a picture of mine and see what he thinks.
  13. I have the HK. If they are the same size that would be fine cause I know I can pull the cover off. let me know. I would be only interested in the passenger, though
  14. I would be interested in the passenger side. Will they fit my R53 06. Can you exchange the arm rest is the speaker the same size???
  15. Tell me about it. I'll be there the weekend before on my Ducati, leaving on Monday to DC, two leg trip, so that I can leave again on Wednesday on the Mini :rock:
  16. I'm in. Who will be driving down on Wednesday?
  17. Me too, can you send me the code, please? thanks
  18. i'll take one large crew-neck, please :rock:
  19. Are they still avaliable??
  20. Does he do them?????
  21. Celia, Link???????:stupid:
  22. I have gotten the worst news of the day. I AM NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO GO. Something at work has coem up and I can't leave :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: I was really looking forward to it this year. I hope you have a wonderful time, I will be thinking of you all every single minute for the next 5 days..........
  23. Hate to say this, but I won't going to the Dragon. Something at work has messed up my plans. :banghead::banghead: I'm missing it already
  24. How much was that Rab, do you recall. I would like to have them blue
  25. If you get the paint brush and learn the technique, I'm in for it too
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