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Everything posted by Mr EZ

  1. There may be more hope at the Dragon if you are going this year. I think a couple of the people who have "cracked the code" on this project are going to be there. WOW Craig, that is a real nice way to get my hope up....................
  2. When are we going back to the track?????? It's been too long .........
  3. So is there any way to recalibrate the odometer? Th speedo is fine, nit I think it works anyway???
  4. Craig, I just got some 205/40R17 G-Force KDW. I'm going to have to adjust the odometer to compensate?
  5. Ali, I guess the best technique is the one that you feel comfortable with, regardless of what it is, or a combination of things. YOU are the only one that can judge that and it will be the one to decide that makes you succeed slaying the Dragon !!!!!
  6. So I guess you are a definite for MOTD :top:
  7. I'm with Craig. If there is a shutdown I'll have time during the week. Can't make on Sunday though
  8. I think for all practical purposes the position of 3-9 or 2-10 depends on each person's level of comfort. I use the pull and push method. Now the most important ting is that your arms have enough flex space so that, in case you need to, the can cross over to maneuver a tail spin. Breaking mechanically during the full course of the bend can be very dangerous, not only because of the overheating of the brakes, but also because if you don't have torque in the motor and you slow down, the centrifugal force will pull you out, leaving you in the ditch or, worse, down the embankment. The purpose of the down shift is to give the car the necessary "force" to fight the centrifugal force that pulls it out in a straight line. You must TAP you breaks just before the begging of the curve so that you get rid of so momentum and then let the force be with you...... My two cents. Now I'm glad Ali hasn't seen James's driving technique, cause he being the slow one, I don't think that he would be a good role model. As per price tags, I think I would gladly pay for clutch and brakes than for a brand new car and a hospital bill.
  9. kook n : someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group
  10. Since Ali is kooking, I'll bring my tequila to the dinner :rock:, Brian u comin ?????
  11. Jim, Craig is right. We could probably attach the strip. Now are we going to be running in circle around the camp fire to discharge the static. Boy am I going to need a lot of fuel for that. The Teeeequila, if drank properly, will not harm your senses.
  12. i agree with Jim. TO much electricity.............. Bring on the tequila insyead:rock:
  13. No, or at least it wasn't because they can't fit it. Haemish should be able to get that straight fro us ignorants :banghead: Anyway, it is nice
  14. Ali, It can't JCW because it has an auto transmission.
  15. I like steak.... Count me in too
  16. Yes
  17. I'll be going too. Alone again this year. I won't be leaving till Wed though, so I guess I'll be caravaning with Dan and Celia and her dad.
  18. Craig, what pics. They are spectacular!!!!!!!!!! :top::top::top:
  19. Here is mine
  20. Great job JIm. They look great :rock:
  21. It looks great :top::rock::congrats:
  22. :hmmmm:
  23. It was great Thanks Laura and all that helped. :rock:
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