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Cooper Vineyard MINI Rally!

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  Se7er said:
With Saturday and Sunday being the peak of the effects from Huricane Irene dumping on us, anyone hear about the date moving or it being cancelled?


Don't speak of cancelations! I need to restock my Cooper juice! LOL


2009 MCS, HzB/B, CWP, PP, "BLUR" MOTORING ID: SOAR143 - MINI Community Service

2013 JCW GP, Thunder Grey, "SMOKIE" MOTORING ID: FAST060

2014 MCS Clubman, Highclass Gray, "THE ADMIRAL" 

  Se7er said:
With Saturday and Sunday being the peak of the effects from Huricane Irene dumping on us, anyone hear about the date moving or it being cancelled?


That's what I was wondering ... even tho I have 2 work, I couldn't imagine making that drive in *more* torrential rain ... UNLIKE!!! :thumbsdown:


'scuuuuze me while I kiss the sky ~ Jimi



  HzBBlur said:
Don't speak of cancelations! I need to restock my Cooper juice! LOL


I'm definatelty still in! Anyone give any more consideration to the Wegman's meet prior to the trip down south?



D.B.'s Facebook Page - facebook.com/DBMiniCooper

  maacodale said:
I plan on calling Jacque tomorrow. I'll post whatever I find out as soon as possible.


That would be cool. My work schedule may change to Sunday, and I've been dying 2 go! As of 2day, they're saying the storms will hit this area Sat nite/ Sunday am ... xing fingers 'n tootsies that'll be the case ...


'scuuuuze me while I kiss the sky ~ Jimi




I talked to Jacque this afternoon. They had very minimal damage at the vineyard from the quake. Mostly spilled wine. They've been swamped with calls and emails, but overall, they're fine. The lab is a bit screwed however. But that's repairable.


As of Wednesday PM, they're ON! The main issue is the caterer. Seems their cancellation time is much earlier, which is expected. The vineyard can cancel right up to the morning of the event. The caterer will have to cancel earlier, I'll let y'all know what I find out.


Another issue I have is people getting back home as the weather conditions deteriorate. A lot of us, like me, live in LOW lying areas. As much as I love MINI's, preserving my belongings will take priority. That said, I "think" the storm will pass far enough off shore to mot be a major issue. I wanna have fun, but I want everyone to be safe as well.


Lets see what tomorrow brings.


Event has be "Postponed"


**From Cooper Vineyards website**


Mini-Cooper Rally Postponed due to Severe Weather Threat

New Date: September 24, 2011

We survived the Louisa Earthquake, but now we must survive Irene. The MINI Cooper Rally will be postponed due to the threat of severe weather. Our tasting room will be open. Advance ticket purchases can be used for the rescheduled event or can be issued a refund.

2012 Jeep Rubicon

  Brian0758 said:
Event has be "Postponed"


**From Cooper Vineyards website**


Mini-Cooper Rally Postponed due to Severe Weather Threat

New Date: September 24, 2011

We survived the Louisa Earthquake, but now we must survive Irene. The MINI Cooper Rally will be postponed due to the threat of severe weather. Our tasting room will be open. Advance ticket purchases can be used for the rescheduled event or can be issued a refund.



Well for me, that's awesome. I really wanted to go to this and we're free that weekend. I just hope they don't have any damage from the hurricane.



Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman



I think it was a smart move to postpone the event due to "Irene". :top:


Hurricanes are so unpredictable and as of now she is moving to the West which is not good for us.


Looking forward to going in September :rock:

2012 Jeep Rubicon


Thanks for posting Brian!


Jacque and I decided to pull the plug on the event this morning. Not much of a problem at the vineyard from the quake, but the area is very busy with media people and sightseers, it's pretty crowded up there on the roads. Add the impending weather issues, we decided to postpone this weekends activities. The weather at the vineyard probably won't be too bad, but I was worried about people getting back home safely. Also, us down here in HR MINI land could use the time to batten down the hatches!

So be safe, plan accordingly for the hurricane and lets plan on motoring on September 24!!!


click here to keep up with any new info



I know we all love Cooper vineyards, but has anyone considered another vineyard? I know Prince Michaels on Rt. 29 host many car clubs Mercedes, BMW, Miata etc. They have a second parking lot that they reserve for the clubs plus they will even do a custom label for your event. Did I mention they also have a world class chef on site and a B&B? No im not getting any kickbacks but we had a blast when we visited.



By this time next week, the annual Cooper Vineyard MINI Rally will be history. I look forward to seeing everyone and really, just wait until you see Jacque's new tasting room!

  TGGRRR said:
So we're a week away from the event (again). Any thoughts to a caravan to Richmond?




I like that idea!


'scuuuuze me while I kiss the sky ~ Jimi




Last time Justin was talking about meeting at the Wegmen's and I think someone else mentioned an alternate route that will bypass 95South.


I'm wondering if 95 is as bad now that school has started, but I honestly hate doing caravans on highways. So if we do go in a group, it's better to find a back road route.


If there's no traffic Richmond is like a 1.5 - 2 hours to get to and wheels up is at 9:30. So to caravan we need to meet pretty early, probably 7:00 to plan on getting their by 9:00.


Any thoughts on that? Route suggestions that avoid 95?

For me, going to Wegmens adds about 30 miles to my trip since I live right near Passport, so would rather meet closer to this end, since it's also closer to Richmond.


I guess once we pick a route we can pick a meeting place.



Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman


  TGGRRR said:

I'm wondering if 95 is as bad now that school has started, but I honestly hate doing caravans on highways. So if we do go in a group, it's better to find a back road route.


If there's no traffic Richmond is like a 1.5 - 2 hours to get to and wheels up is at 9:30. So to caravan we need to meet pretty early, probably 7:00 to plan on getting their by 9:00.


Any thoughts on that? Route suggestions that avoid 95?Ali


I usually avoid 95S at any cost, but leaving that early on a Sat am might not be 2 bad.


'scuuuuze me while I kiss the sky ~ Jimi




Well I'm planning to get up at the :reddy: of dawn to meet them for their pre-run.


Wheels up at the Silver Diner in Springfield at 7AM I think it's just Audrey and I. Or should I say Scoopie and Tigger

Tigger 2006 the cabrio and Riversong the 2014 Countryman


  TGGRRR said:
Well I'm planning to get up at the :reddy: of dawn to meet them for their pre-run.


Wheels up at the Silver Diner in Springfield at 7AM I think it's just Audrey and I. Or should I say Scoopie and Tigger


Yes, Scoopie & Tigger will get 2 play on the road 2gether ... awesome! :top:


'scuuuuze me while I kiss the sky ~ Jimi



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