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Everything posted by kickn_wing

  1. I brought some...and some gold as well
  2. anybody need any black dip?
  3. yup i feel the same...im kinda excited and nervous at the same time
  4. High strength 3m..super easy..they are kind of an unknown company thats starting out
  5. yeah it shouldnt be to hard....there has been talk on nam about wider flares....liberty waly has a whole wider kit coming out in july
  6. Just preordered a new Spoiler extension type from a newer company called leap...they also make R53 extensions as well i will try to link there facebook https://www.facebook.com/leap.works
  7. look what i got for the rally and #becauseracecar :motor:
  8. Parking out back
  9. kickn_wing

    PD Party

    i wanna do the same....im gonna bring some black plasti just in case some needs some...i also have some gold metalizar if someone would like to try it
  10. check the rediator cap...if that goes bad the system wont hold pressure and will over heat...start simple and work your way up
  11. kickn_wing

    PD Party

    oh i do:wavey:
  12. yeah i saw that today...that was from last night
  13. Wow that sucks
  14. its not shut down as of yet....everyone on facebook is still going next weekend
  15. That's a good idea
  16. Oh sorry you missed it...lots oh cars today...next weekend we need to get lots of minis out there
  17. Ok had to move to another spot...there be's a jaguar club here
  18. I'm on my way now....it's a long the road...I should be there in about 30ish
  19. i should be there about 0830 in the spot from last week
  20. if i do it...i will be in a f550 with a horse trailer...they will find us parking...most likely right next to where we setup, but thank you
  21. yeah the warrior games...we are setting up a display there
  22. There are so many minis here
  23. I mite have some wounded warrior stuff to do this weekend at lejune...not sure yet
  24. I have one on my r56 and love it...
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