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Everything posted by kickn_wing

  1. Yeah but this is not the same one that we are going to
  2. awesome happy hour!!!!...thanks for putting it together.
  3. no problem...ill see if i can remember the name of the company as well...keep us posted on whats going on
  4. Yeah they wouldn't hurt...you could probley source them on realoem.com then Google the part number....there is a UK company that sells injectors with the harnesses ready to go
  5. Yeah i was thinking the same...maybe fuel pump is starting to go
  6. What are you running that you need bigger injectors?
  7. How bug did you measure?
  8. Come on people four more shirts
  9. Is there one that can change colors....then you could just set the color
  10. I'm in
  11. Hello, that was ray and myself...glad you found the site and it was nice to meet you
  12. ok...hey laura did you get my pm's
  13. is scraped alil on the return side as well as leaving the parking lot
  14. did you ever get the code fixed?
  15. did you ever get the led's?
  16. kickn_wing

    Pre-Picnic Run

    hey alex do you have a run pdf?
  17. just a side note...for those that are lowered, you mite/will scrap
  18. Yeah i will probley be late
  19. Some shots from today 14361089412501 by nick wing, on Flickr 14361087870371 by nick wing, on Flickr 14361091758981 by nick wing, on Flickr 14361092749351 by nick wing, on Flickr 14361093735891 by nick wing, on Flickr 14361094776391 by nick wing, on Flickr 14361095457311 by nick wing, on Flickr
  20. who is coming on sunday?
  21. :top::top::top::top::top::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
  22. Make that 9 shirts
  23. Hey congratulations on the new purchase and welcome to dcmm
  24. Gonna order mine this week....time to make chillin do some work
  25. some shots for todays Cars and Coffee 14355030589041 by 14355031775481 by nick wing, on Flickr 14355031194251 by nick wing, on Flickr 14355033071211 by nick wing, on Flickr 14355032244961 by nick wing, on Flickr 14355032631471 by nick wing, on Flickr
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