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Everything posted by kickn_wing

  1. I'm gonna make it out there...should be there about 0830
  2. I've heard that too
  3. Welcome, I think there are a couple coming up...a few of us have been going to the coffee and car meets...those are every Sunday
  4. Yeah it is kinda early...but looked at their Facebook and it looks pretty good
  5. damn i want to go to that one as well
  6. Lol...that's awesome...not sure I'm gonna make it this weekend...have a 24hr shift at work on saturday...so we'll see...but next weekend I'm going for sure
  7. That would be a good idea for a new thread
  8. I'd be down to help some...can't really do a whole lot due to work
  9. Well it never hurts to try again...maybe also post in c3m forum as well...like a joint meet
  10. It would be nice to set up like that lotus club did
  11. Maybe set it up on the calendar
  12. yeah that was me and NYRican MC40.
  13. another good cars and coffee...i didnt think there would be as good as a turn out due to weather but surprisingly it was pretty good
  14. You should come out to kohl's tomorrow morning
  15. I did mine today...5 layers matte black and a couple of gold metalizer
  16. i agree...he waas my service guy at passport
  17. welcome
  18. Ahhh ok...well then come out to the meet and greet
  19. is that david rockwell from passport mini?
  20. Depends what time I get finished cleaning tack
  21. Yeah i hear yeah...but the drive is the fun part....you guys coming to kohl's as well
  22. nobody else coming to this one
  23. ill make it to this one
  24. anybody going tomorrow?????...im gonna go but will be alil late do to work
  25. Thank you!!
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