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Everything posted by 1975_mini

  1. You didn't kick any cars, did you?
  2. Talk to brandy about Styrofoam, her dad work at a factory that makes it, that's where I get all mine.
  3. That awesome Mini/MINI angry birds combo on the flyer had to has won or at least placed. NO, what!?!?!?! inconceivable:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  4. I told brandy I had to have a blue classic shirt
  5. Here is the info on Wardel and the webpage for his company: www.nolimitmobilewindowtinting.com They have been in the tint business for 22 years and have many examples of the work on the webpage. Also some nice exotics if you just want to oogle some cars (talking to you Tyler). The brand of film used is Global Window Film the quality is High Performance. They have used this film for 10 years and never had any issues. They can provide 7 different percentages ranging from 50 % to 5% as we all have car registered across the beltway. And he was the ceramic tint info from last time: This was the price last time so please ignore till Ali confirms. There is a lot of info and question on tinting in the “Beat the Rays tint party thread”
  6. Yes, that was brought up last time, It was an additional 100 last time I will see if I can find the info in the old thread, I did have to pre-coordinate with him to make sure he had it on hand, and in the percent tint you are looking for.
  7. This maybe the Filipino beer talking but, "viva Corey". My voice will be heard. Lol. Los Pahros son monwartos. Soy in chicarodes!! I can't spell in English, so Spanish all bets are off.
  8. Can I have my daughter attend and vote in my my absence. She has by dir, military joke.
  9. I am definitely going to need to order a blue classic shirt
  10. Classic clubbies get wear looks from MINI owners. They see it coming and go that's not a mini. Then as it passes the see the side and go "damn it" it is. Lol
  11. Do I get one even if I don't attend, I will put it on my PoS and recruit all over the island. Already tagged two MINIs here.
  12. I think I am up for a brewery after, the food truck for saturday is a TURKISH KABOB TRUCK.
  13. Will it be skyped or on periscope?
  14. Glad to hear you isolated the problem. Hope that fixes it, do you have to order the part or is it one of those same part used on many cars and you can get it at the local parts store. At least you know how to start it, and its not your daily driver. It reminds me of when I was a poor 20 year old and could not afford a new starter solenoid until payday, I pop the hood and start my truck with a screw driver for like a week.
  15. I agree with nick, but you said you checked. So have you checked for stored codes even though you don't have a CEL at the moment. TPS could be the problem, if you disconnect it it should idle, simple check. I dicked up brandy's MAF sensor a while back installing a CAI. it would not hold an idle and if no signal is received it defaults to full rich, but not a rich as you are describing. unfortunately you likely have the most mechanical knowledge here.
  16. Thank you everyone that came out, and those that gave the well wishes on here. It was a great time as always. well until someone who has apparently been attending to many baseball games in baltimore and picked you some bad habits decided to show off their new found skills in the parking garage. I will still inject my sarcasm into the forum, and hope to pop into a few events that over lap with times I am passing though town. If you need anything from my side of the world please drop me a line.
  17. Ali is going to be tearing it up like a caveman, I feel bad for Melissa and anyone riding in Domo.:vroom:
  18. The company MikeV posted the link to is the one I used for Watson. I used the one that was clear coat and base in one, but that was because I was doing the engine bay. For the exterior I would do it was two separate layers, as you should wet sand each layer. That is how I did brandy's scoop and mirror caps on Ebony. I would also recommend scuffing the ducts with a find sand paper and using a plastic primer. It sounds like a lot of steps but it is actually very easy, just patients and take your time.
  19. Crack the whip, Hillary!!! I expect my shirt before 19 Aug.:rofl::adore::adore::adore:
  20. 1975_mini

    Pre-Picnic Run

    I will have a few spares if anyone needs one
  21. Watson is always avaliable
  22. Unnecessary adjective, all my ideas are great:rofl:
  23. Do we as a club want to offer PMoA several group leaders (much like how we do MTTB) to prevent the mad dash effect of people afraid they are being left behind? We all have the experience to communicate during the run and keep the chaos to a minimum.
  24. They are being tight lipped because they are worried you and brandy will cheat if you find out what they are planning.
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